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A Look At – Building The LX003-OO Laser Cut Garden Gates Kit

A Look At – Building The LX003-OO Laser Cut Garden Gates Kit

Building The Garden Gate Kit

In this on going series we look at the LX003-OO Garden Gates Laser Cut kit. The kit makes up three large single garden gates & three single smaller garden gates. An ideal kit for an evenings modelling session.

This kit Contains: One sheet of Laser Cut Kit parts & instruction sheet.

Lets get started….

So as the previous kit articles the tools & glue you’ll need are as seen on the right are:

  • Cutting mat
  • Craft knife with fresh sharp blades
  • Roket card glue by Deluxe Materials or similar
  • Steel rule or straight edge for cutting against
  • Sanding stick
  • Old cloth for wiping away excess glue
  • Tweezers

Familiarize your self with the parts on the kit parts sheet.

We’ll start with one of the three large tall gates. These as circled on in the photo on the right come as pairs, a front side & a rear side. Carefully cut these two parts free from the kit parts sheet. Sand flush any pips off the part sides.

Next cut free from the kit parts sheet one of the Z pieces. Take care not to cut the two small hinge pieces that are circled in the second photo on the right.

Run a thin bead of Roket Card glue along one side of the Z piece. The Z piece can go on the gate as either a left or right handed. Make sure the hinges stand proud of the gate side as shown.

Now glue & stick together the two sides of the tall gate. The engraved sides face outwards as shown on the right. Make sure that all sides are flush & square.

Now cut & remove three of the gate posts parts as circled on the right. Glue all three together to make a stack of three. The post with the two small hinge parts goes in the middle of the stack. Make sure that all sides are flush & square & that any pips ( except the hinges ) are sanded flush with the part sides.

Now cut & remove three of the gate posts parts as circled on the right. Glue all three together to make a stack of three. The post with the two small hinge parts goes in the middle of the stack. Make sure that all sides are flush & square & that any pips ( except the hinges Circled in orange on the photos right ) are sanded flush with the part sides.

Add a small amount of glue on the underside of the hinges on the gate. Sit the gate hinges on top of the post hinges as circled on the right.

Now cut & remove the three parts circled on the right from the parts sheet. Glue together to form a stack of three as shown, making sure are pips are sanded flush. Make sure all sides are true & sqaure.

Glue the post to the other side of the gate as shown. Once glue has dried either leave the gate unpainted to represent an unpainted gate, or paint the gate in a suitable colour of your choice. Repeat assemble on the other two tall gates.

The small garden gates

In the next section we look at assembly of the smaller garden gates. Again the kit provides enough parts to make up three small garden gates. As before remember the two small hinged parts that are on onside each gate. Don’t cut these hinges off the gate.

First cut & remove the parts marked with the orange X’s as seen on the right. These are not needed so discard in the recycling bin. Next cut & remove the gate pieces from the parts sheet & sand flush any pips on the part sides.

Also cut out the U shaped pieces as these are the gate rear frame parts. Two these per gate with one going on the front side of the gate & the other going on the rear side.

Now run a thin bead of Roket Card Glue around one side of the frame as shown.

Now stick the glued U shaped piece on to the front of the gate. Repeat by gluing & sticking a second U shaped piece on to the rear of the gate as shown. Make sure all sides are flush & sqaure.

We now look at doing the gate posts. First we’ll start with the hinged gate post by cutting free from the parts sheet one post with two hinges & two without hinges. Don’t cut off the hinges that are circled from the post. As before glue each piece to make up a stack of three. The one with the two hinges goes in the middle of the stack of three as shown on the right.

Next cut & remove three posts from the kit parts sheet without the hinges. Glue & into a stack of three making sure all sides are flush & sqaure.

As before add a small amount of glue on the underside of the hinges on the gate. Sit the gate hinges on top of the gate post hinges.

Next glue the non hinge post to the other side of the gate.

Once the glue has dried either leave gate unpainted to represent worn weathered wood or paint in a suitable colour of your choice.

Repeat the assembly with the other two gates.

Install gates on your layout using Roket Card glue.

Happy modelling.

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  1. DordonWagonWorks

    I have a set of these I’ve been meaning to start. Thanks for the breakdown.

    • Iain

      Your welcome. I’m thinking one of the trestle tables kit will be a good one to fit in this greenhouse kit. More articles coming with breakdown on more builds from the SMS kit range.


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