A Look At – Building The LX012-OO Laser Cut Park Benches Concrete Wooden Type
Building The Wooden Park Benches Kit
In this on going series we look at the LX012-OO Concrete & Wood Park Benches Laser Cut kit. The kit makes up eight concrete & wood type park benches. An ideal kit for an evenings or afternoons modelling session.
This kit Contains: One sheet of Laser Cut Kit parts & instruction sheet. Is suitable for both OO & HO scale seated figures.
Lets get started….
The tools & glue you’ll need are as seen on the right are:
- Cutting mat
- Craft knife with fresh sharp blades
- Roket card glue by Deluxe Materials or similar
- Steel rule or straight edge for cutting against
- Sanding stick
- Old cloth for wiping away excess glue
- Tweezers
Familiarize your self with the parts on the kit parts sheet.
First cut & remove the four side pieces as marked on the right. These are the side pieces of the bench.
You should now have four side pieces as in the photo on the right. These make up the two concrete pieces of the bench. In the second photo on the right you’ll see a tiny pip on the side piece arm marked with an orange circle. Don’t cut these pips as they are location pieces for the back rest.
Taking one of the side pieces & apply a small amount of Roket Card glue to it. Take a second side piece & place on top of the glued piece. Make sure all sides are flush & square. Repeat with the other two pieces. You should now have two stacks of two side pieces.
Cut & remove off the kit parts sheet the seat back rest & seat base as marked in orange on the right.
Now paint the seat base & back rest using artists acrylic paints in the choice of your colour. Apply paint sparingly to lessen the risk of distorting the parts. Allow paint to dry.
Now place the seat base with the more detailed side facing upwards. The recess on the rear edge of the seat base fits around the arm of the side piece as shown on the right.
Repeat with gluing & fitting the other side piece as shown on the right. Again make sure the recess on the seat base fits around the side piece.
Carefully place the back rest on to the side pieces as shown. Make sure that the back rest sits above the two pips as this keeps the back rest level. The two small square pieces between the two back rest bars, sit on the two glued areas.
Once glue has set, place the bench on your layout either using Roket Card glue or using Deluxe Materials Taxy Wax.
Repeat assembly of the other seven benches in the kit.
The benches are suitable for all OO & HO scale figures.