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A Look At – Building The LX032-OO L.N.E.R Concrete Sectional Lineside Huts Kit

A Look At – Building The LX032-OO L.N.E.R Concrete Sectional Lineside Huts Kit

Building The Lineside Hut Kit

In this article we’ll take a look at building the Laser Cut LNER Sectional Concrete Hut kit. These concrete lineside plate layer’s / track workers huts can still be seen on some parts of the UK rail network. Also some still stand on old abandoned & lifted railways. So ideal for quite a large time period for modelling on our layouts. The kit contains two laser cut huts & four optional ladder sections to use as you wish.

So the kit Contents includes: One sheet of Laser Cut Kit parts, instruction sheet, kit parts map, two texture roof pieces. For the glazing save part of the cellophane packaging.




What else do i need?

  • A cutting mat
  • Roket Card Glue (By Deluxe Materials)
  • Glue Stick Like Pritt Stick or similar
  • Craft knife with fresh sharp blade
  • Steel rule to cut against
  • Sissors
  • Tweezers
  • Small nail sanding stick or similar

Lets get started….

First familiarize your self with the kit parts with the kit map. Using the craft knife cut the following parts from the parts sheet:

  • A1 Side Wall
  • A2 Side Wall Frame
  • B1 Side Wall With Windows
  • B2 Side Wall Frame

Lightly sand any kit part holding pips flush with the part sides. Take part A2 & run a thin bead of glue on to the reverse & place onto part A1 side wall. Make sure that all edges are flush & true.

Repeat with part B2 glued on to part B1 Side wall with windows.

Now we turn our attention to the two end walls. Cut out from the kit parts sheet:

  • C1 End Wall with doorway
  • C2 End Wall Frame
  • D1 End Wall without doorway
  • D2 End Wall Frame

So as before run a thin bead of glue on the reverse of the end wall frames. Glue C2 end wall frame on to C1 end wall with door way. Glue D2 end wall frame on to D1 end wall without doorway.

Now cut out the base section part E. Part E as shown in the photo on the right. Be sure to sand flush any pips standing proud of the base sides.

Now glue the window side wall onto the base section. The side wall sits on top of the base & must be flush with the base edge as shown on the right. Be sure to keep the side wall at 90 degrees to the base.

Now glue the end wall section with the doorway on to the end. The end wall sits on top of the base & must be flush with the base edge & side wall as shown on the right. There is a recess in the top corner of the side wall, make sure end wall top corner part sits in the recess. Be sure to keep the end wall at 90 degrees to the base & side wall.

Cut & remove part F from the kit parts sheet. Part F is the door. Paint the door in your chosen colour & allow to dry. Once dry glue into the open doorway. I’ve set the door partly open on one hut & closed on the second hut in this kit. You could add a door handle using a small bit of wire as the door handle isn’t included in the kit.

Cut & remove part F from the kit parts sheet. Part F is the door. Paint the door in your chosen colour & allow to dry. Once dry glue into the open doorway. I’ve set the door partly open on one hut & closed on the second hut in this kit. You could add a door handle using a small bit of wire as the door handle isn’t included in the kit.

Cut out the six beams Part G. Sand flush any pips & then glue into three stacks of two as shown on the right.

Cut out a piece of the cellophane packaging from the kit. Carefully glue around the inside of the window as shown on the right. Then place the glazing on to the glued window area as shown on the right.

Take the three beams & place into the three recesses on the wall tops as shown on the right. Should be a snug fit. Once in place add a small spot of glue to the end of each beam where they sit in the wall.

Next cut the roof section kit part H from the kit parts sheet. Cut out one of the roof texture sheets from the front kit sheet. Glue the roof texture sheet using the glue stick on to the roof section part H.

Glue the roof section on the hut. Make sure that the white mark on the roof goes to the back wall with out the window. This is the locating mark for the hut chimney. The roof should have an equal overhang around all sides as shown in the second photo on the right.

Cut & remove part I the roof frame off the kit parts sheet. Sand flush any holding pips on the frame side. Add a thin bead of glue around the frame & place into position on the roof as shown on the right.

Now it’s time to add the chimney. Cut out parts J & K from the kit parts sheet. There is four J parts, these glue into a stack of four as shown on the right. Once glued into a stack of four lightly sand flush any pips off the sides.

Remember the white mark on the roof, this is the location for the chimney. Add a small amount of glue to the chimney & carefully place on the white mark on the roof. Be sure to make sure chimney stands square. Taking part K the chimney top glue into place onto the top of the chimney stack.

That completes the build of the hut. The kit also comes with four ladder sections these make up two extension ladders for use as you wish on your layout / diorama. For the roof texture sheet it may be worth giving it a coat of mat spray varnish to seal it & prevent any fading if placed in sunlight. An aerosol mat spray varnish can will do, see your local mode shop for cans of mat spray varnish.

Another to note is that you can position the wall with the doorway at either end thus allowing more flexibility to suit any location around your layout.

Handy tip:

If you’re using point motors such as those by Hornby or Peco use the hut to hide the point motor. This can be done by omitting adding the hut floor which will allow the hut to sit over the point motor. You may need to add a base layer frame around the point motor to give the hut height clearance if using a point accessory switch. On the photos on the right you can see i’ve done just that. The hut sits loose over the point motor so can be removed for access to the point motor.

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  1. DordonWagonWorks

    Thanks Iain. I have a pair of these in my ‘stash’ to build and your piece has been most helpful.

    • Iain

      Many thanks Terry. Glad to be of help.

  2. ClaytonCanuk

    Great little kit, can be used in so many applications and locations.


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