A Look At – Building The LX050-OO Laser Cut Catenary Kits (Part one – The Masts)

Building The LX050-OO Catenary Kits -Part 1
(The Ladder Style Masts – Pack A)
In this on going series we look at the LX050-OO catenary Laser Cut range of kits. The Scale Model Scenery catenary range of kits have been designed so can they can be mixed & matched. The range contains a ladder style mast, lattice style mast, lattice head span, castellated head span. Also included is head span expansion packs for both the castellated & lattice head spans. So the range will span any thing from a single, double, triple, quadruple tracks upwards.
All packs will build 10 pairs of masts or 10 double track headspans, or for the extension packs to span more than 2 tracks, they will do up to 20 triple track or 10 four track spans. Register arms, wirings & pulleys are not included with this kit (stay tuned for our tutorial fashioning your own!)
Each kit Contains: One or more sheets of Laser Cut Kit parts & instruction sheet. Designed for OO/HO scaled layouts.
We’ll start off with Pack A the Ladder Masts for this article with the head spans & expansion spans articles to follow…
Lets get started….
So as regular readers know by know here’s the tools & glue that you need:
- Cutting mat
- Craft knife with fresh sharp blades
- Roket card glue by Deluxe Materials or similar
- Steel rule or straight edge for cutting against
- Sanding stick
- Old cloth for wiping away excess glue
- Tweezers
- Acrylic paint (suitable grey or galvanized colour of your choice)
Familiarize your self with the parts on the kit parts sheet.
The Masts – Ladder Style
The ladder masts contain a sheet of side overlays, a sheet of raised base bolt details, a sheet of masts & a sheet of base sections.
Repeat with the above so that you have two base sections with over lays on them.
Turn mast over glue the other side & place the second over lay on to the mast. Again make sure all sides are square & flush.
Repeat with the above process with the second mast so that you end up with two masts with over lay side parts on them.
Insert into the mast base section as shown on the right. The engraved overlay section on the mast base should face upwards.
Repeat with the second mast. Make sure that the masts sit sqaure & vertical in the mast bases.
Please now see part two article which looks at the assembly of the lattice style head span gantry.