A Look At – The LX023-OO Roadwork/Construction Safety Barrier Kit

A Look At – The LX023-OO Roadwork/Construction Safety Barrier Kit
In this ongoing series, we’ll take a look at another Scalemodelscenery.co.uk item. Thee roadworks safety barrier kit. These are available for both OO & N gauge & can be found here:
This popular kit is an easy one to assemble & ideal for anyone starting out in the world assembling laser cut kits. The kit is ideal for roadwork & construction scenes, worksites, logistic depots & warehousing etc. In the real world, these barriers come in various colours such as orange, red, yellow, blue, green. The kit comes unpainted so you’ll need to decide on what colour barrier you want.
Justin recommends using acrylic paints for painting these barriers. Time wise to paint & assemble these will take around an afternoon, depending on how quick the paint dries.
Tools needed are
- Cutting mat
- Sharp craft knife
- Tweezers
- Roket card glue
- Suitable paint choice of your colour
- small flat paint brush
The kit contains one laser cut parts sheet. This contains the barriers & feet stands. Note that one side of the barrier has a laser engraved side on. The small parts are the feet stands.
On the instruction sheet is included some red & white barrier markings. These need to be carefully cut out from the instruction sheet.
I’m using some red paint enamel paint as out of acrylic red paint in my paints box. The red paint is for the barrier & using black aqua paint by Revel for the feet stands.
Paint the barriers whilst still on the sheet. Take care whilst painting the internal uprights & make sure you get the brush in between the uprights.
Paint the barriers on both sides. Don’t apply the paint too thick the laser engraved side detail, as you’ll lose the detail if the paint is too thick.
Once the paint has dried, carefully cut the barriers from the parts sheet. Sand flush any pips on the barrier edges.
Once the paint has dried, carefully cut the feet stands from the parts sheet. Sand flush any pips on the barrier edges.
Now it’s time to assemble the kit. Apply a spot of Roket Card glue to one of the recesses on the lower edge of the barrier.
Now take one of the feet stands. The square recess you see on the feet stands, this fits on to the part we’ve just glued on the barrier.
Now repeat fitting the second feet stand on to the barrier. The second feet stand fits as shown on the right.
Having touch up the edges of the barrier, do the same on the edges of the feet stands. Take care not to catch the barrier with the black paint.
Either use a sharp craft knife & steel ruler or scissors to cut the markers off the sheet. You’ll have enough for two markers per barrier.
Apply either Roket card glue or Pritt stick to the back of the marker. Place into position using a pair of tweezers. With the laser engraved side, place the marker within the engraved box.
Now repeat by placing another red & white marker on the other side of the barrier. And that’s it! Job done.
We recommend you use a little Tax wax to hold the barrier in place on your layout if you want to prevent them being knocked over.
Happy modelling.