Back Scene Trees – Part 2
In my last post, I suggested a way to take the video by Gormo on background trees, to another level. I followed the basic steps – select a tree you like or want to fit into your layout, print it to OO/HO scale, cut it out and mount it. I used 2mm plasticard, as there are no concerns with warping with water-based paints and adhesives. I then added in branches made of twisted wire, and these were cemented into place. Once set and secure, the branch armatures were then covered in a 75% filler, 25% PVA glue mix that forms a thick slurry and can be build up in layers. Thicker sections are 100% filler added in small increments and finished as work progresses.
I use only a paintbrush and a wax caver left over from the days when I used to practice as a dental surgeon – we have lots of useful tools that can be used in modelling!!
The slurry is painted on, and for the main trunk growth, this is built in layers; the base is thickened with 100% filler to a 1/2 trunk, and tapered towards the tree top. You can see this in the photos I have attached. The texture is moulded into the drying filler with the knife-edge of the wax carver that I have adapted for both placer the filler and for sculpting the bark.
Once dry – usually over 24 hours for the plasticard bases – painting can begin. I use a black brown wash over all the trunks and branches, followed by dry brushing yellows and green for that wet-moss look you see in the UK and Europe. I let that set, then use a dry-brush of light brown to highlight the bark texture, trying to make each tree slightly different.
You can see the end result before foliage is added, and that will come in Part-3. I must strees again, that this method takes a great deal of time, unless you have some sort of production run set-up. It has to be the most expensive set of trees I have made in terms of time!
Until next time and Part-3, happy building!