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Building The KX008-OO Fuel/Oil Tanks & Bund Wall Kit

Building The KX008-OO Fuel/Oil Tanks & Bund Wall Kit

KX008-OO Fuel/Oil Tanks & Bund Wall Kit

Today for this article, we’ll take at one of the older kits in the range the KX008-OO Fuel/Oil Tanks & Bund Wall Kit. This kit makes foe an idea kit for a couple of evenings modelling or weekend modelling session. Ideal for your layout loco depots, bus & truck depots, factories & dock side insdustrial areas.

The kit comes with pre-laser cut kit base layers which helps speed the kit build up. Also included in the kit is the texture wraps, saftey signage, as well as aet of instructions. The kit gives up the option to build with three different tank bases, these are a tripple tank base, double tank base, single tank base. For this build we’ve picked the tripple tank base option.

The photos below show the kit contents. 

Tools required

What tools do I need? 

  • Cutting mat
  • Roket Card Glue, Glue stick (such as Pritt Stick) 
  • Steel ruler or steel straight edge for cutting against 
  • Craft knife with a fresh sharp blade
  • Pen or Pencil for marking out
  • Sanding stick (a cosmetic nail file will do)
  • Tweezers 
  • Scissors
  • Felt Tip Pen (For touching up white edges)


Lets get started…

Start off by cutting the pips that hold the base layer Parts A, B, D & E to release said parts from the base layer sheet. 

Lightly sand flush the pips on the parts edges as shown on the right using a sanding stick or in our case a cosemtic nail file sanding stick, which can be bought in multipacks from supermarkets etc.

We are going to assemble the fuel tanks so put Parts C safely to one side, whilst work on the tank part sides.



To help with the build of the kit we are using our SX002 Card Jig Building Tools which can be found here in our webshop:



Take one of the part A pieces & apply a thin bead of Roket Card glue to one side.



Place the glued part A into the corner of the jig tool & place a second part A on to it using the jig tool to keep both parts square & true. You now have a stack of two part A’s. Repeat again to create a second part A stack of two. 



Next take a part B & Place into the cornor of the jig tool. Apply a thin bead of glue to one side of part B & then place a second part B on to the glued part B to make a stack of two, using the jig tool to keep both parts square & true. You now have a stack of two part B’s.



Next take a part D & Place into the cornor of the jig tool. Apply a thin bead of glue to one side of part D & then place a second part D on to the glued part D to make a stack of two, using the jig tool to keep both parts square & true. You now have a stack of two part D’s. Part D is the tank base.



Next take a part E & Place into the cornor of the jig tool. Apply a thin bead of glue to one side of part E & then place a second part E on to the glued part E to make a stack of two, using the jig tool to keep both parts square & true. You now have a stack of two part E’s. Part E is the tank top section.



Take one Part A stack & apply a bead of glue along one of the narrow ends as shown on the right.



Next take one Part B stack & place as shown on the right, on to the bead of glue. Use the jig tool to help form a 90 degree angle & keep both parts straight & true.



Turn the two glued parts around & repeat by gluing another glued stack pair part B on to the other end of part A to form a U shape as shown on the right.



Next we’ll fit the tank base which is part D.



Then insert into the U shape as shown on the right. Part D should sit right at the edge. Run an extra bead of glue around the inside of the joint for extra strength.



Apply a thin bead of glue along one long side & the two ends of part D as shown on the right.



Now take two of the part C’s. These are the internal spacer supports.



Glue one short side & one long side on the part C’s & place as shown on the right on to the tank assembly. Leave an equal distance between the two part C’s. 



Next we take one glue stack pair part E (the tank top).



As shown on the right, run a bead of glue along the edges ready for the fitting of part E.



Next, place part E on to the glued sections. Make sure part E sits true flush & sqaure as shown on the right.



The last part to go on to form the tank base is the other tank side, part A.



Run a bead of glue along the edges of the tank & place part A on to the glued side. Make sure it sits true flush & sqaure.



Now repeat the assembly of the other two tanks to give you three boxes as shown on the right.



Texture wrap

We now on to wrapping the base layer with the texture wraps. Carefully cut out from the texture wrap sheet the parts highlighted in the orange box.



Take the long tankside texture wrap (the one that has an orange line on it – highlighted in the first photo opposite right. Apply even layer of glue to the back of the texture sheet (the non printed side) using a glue stick like Pritt Stick. Place the base layer box centrally on to the glued side of the texture wrap & make sure that the end of the base layer box lines up with the oranger marker line (as shown in the third photo opposite on the right). 



Using the blunt edge of a craft knife, gentle score a fold line as shown on the right on the non printed side of the texture wrap.



Fold up the wrap against the base layer as shown on the right.



Now as before, score the next fold line using the blunt edge of a craft knife.



Continue to score the fold lines & fold the sides up as shown on the right.



Next make small cuts in each of the four corners as shown on the right.



Fold down the two glued flaps as shown on the right.



Fold down the two long glued flaps as shown on the right. Repeat the process with the other side.



Take the additional long side & glue it on to the side with the joint seam & as before glue & fold up the flaps. Then glue the tank top & bottom wraps into place. This now completes the fitting of the tank texture wraps. (Repeat the process with the other two tanks).



Next cut & remove parts F from the parts sheet. Sand any pips flush off the part edges. Then glue into a stack of 4. Repeat this process so that you end up with 6 stacks of four. These will make the tank base supports.



Cut out the tank base texture wrap sheets from the texture sheet.



Taking one of the longer tank base wraps, apply glue to the non printed side & place the core stack centrally on it. Then proceed to fold the wraps around the ends. Then take the shorter tank base wrap & glue & fix into place on the side that the end of the longer start & finish on.

Repeat the process with the other tank base core stacks & wraps.



Apply a bead of glue on the tank base ( the side that is opposite to the side with the two small white dots on). Carefully place one of the tank base supports on to the glue. Make sure that the dark green/black moss section the tank base supports goes to the side that will stand on the concrete base.

Repeat with the gluing the other tank support into place, so that each tank has two supports as shown on the right.



The Concrete Base

Now we move on to the concrete base section. As we are doing the the larger three tank option for this build article, cut out the largest concrete texture wrap section and also the laser cut card base layer part I. Apply glue to the non printed side of the concrete base & place the base layer part I centrally on to the  glued side of the texture sheet, as shown right.

Fold the four flap overhang pieces down on to the underside as shown right. 



The Bund Wall

Now we move on to the Bund walls. As already mentioned we are doing the the larger three tank option for this build article. We’ll need the longer wall sections, so cut out wall base layers L &M. Also cut out the accompanying longer outer bund wall sections, as shown on the right.



Next glue the bund wall base layers into stacks of two, so that you’ll have four stacks of two ( Two L’s & two M’s). Apply glue onto the rear of the bund wall texture wrap layer & place centrally on to the base layer stack with a short bit over hanging the base layer ends. Wrap the over hang ends around the ends of the base layer. 

Now repeat with the other three bund wall base layers.



Cut out the inner bund wall texture wraps from the sheet & glue into place on the remaining black side of the bund wall section. Make sure that the green moss section along the bottom edge of the wrap matches up with the wrap already glued on to the base layer.



Using the jig tool to keep the parts sqaure, apply a small amount of glue on to one end of the smaller wall & then butt it up to the longer wall section as shown on the right. Repeat, the process to form a rectangle. Make sure that the smaller walls sit inside the longer sections as shown on the right. 



Turn the rectangle over so that the green moss along the bottom edge is at the top. Run a thin bead of glue on the edge as shown right. Then turn the rectangle over & place on to the concrete base section. It’s up to you as to where you position it on the concrete base.



The bund wall coping. As we are building the triple tank version, cut out from the base layer sheet: two Part R’s & two part S’s as shown on the right. On the texture wrap layer sheet cut out the four coping wraps for the triple tank as shown on the right.



Now apply glue using a glue stick or smilar to the non printed side of the texture wraps. Then place the corresponding base layer centrally on to the glued wrap as shown on the right. 

Fold the wrap around the base layer as shoown right. Trim off the excess wrap that over hangs the base layer as shown on the right.

Repeat the process with the remaining three coping sections. 



Gule the coping into place as shown on the right. Make sure that the corner sections butt up squarely. Any exposed white edges can be touched up with felt tip pen, crayon etc. 



Now it’s time to install the tanks. Apply a bead of glue along the bottom of the tank support pillars & pace on to the concrete base in your desired position, as shown on the right.



The Tank access ports. Cut out the round base layers part V from the base layer sheet as well as the corresponding wraps as shown on the right.  



The Tank access ports. Cut out the round base layers part V from the base layer sheet as well as the corresponding wraps as shown on the right.  

Glue the base layer part V’s into stacks of four as shown on the right.



Now take one of the long rectangle wraps & apply glue to the non printed side. Place the glue side on to the side of the round base layer stack as shown on the right.

Next cut out the round flange top & glue on to the top of the stack as shown on the right. Touch up the white areas with a felt tip pen.



Apply a small amount of glue to the bottom of the access port & place on to your desired position on the tank top. As shown on the right.



The Bund wall steps. Cut & remove parts G from the base layer sheet. Glue Parts G into two stacks of eight. Make sure all sides are sqaure & true.



Cut out the two step brick texture sheets as shown on the right. Apply glue to the non-printed side. Take one stack of eight part G’s & proceed to wrap the brick texture sheet around the stack. Repeat with the second stack.



The bund wall step top. Cut & remove base layer part W from the parts sheet. Also cut out the step tops from the texture wrap sheet. Apply glue to the rear of the texture step wrap, then place one step base layer centrally on to the glued side as shown on the right. Fold the flaps around & down on to the step under side.



Apply glue on to the top of the step brick stack, then place the step top on to the glued brick stack. Make sure that one long side of the step is flush with the brick stack edge. This will allow the the steps to sit flush against the wall as shown in the photo right with the arrows.



The last thing now is to care fully cut out the safety signage from  the supplied sheet within the kit. Glue the signs into your desired position. That then completes the kit build.


Happy modelling.



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