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Building The LX052-OO Laser Cut Station Floor Standing Signs/Running Boards Kit (OO 1:76 Scale)

A Look At Building The LX052-OO Laser Cut Station Signs/Running Boards Kit 

For this article, we take a look at one of our popular fast moving lines, the LX052-OO Laser Cut Station Signs/Running Boards Kit. This kit went through a change earlier this year to make the ordering of it even easier. Originally the custom name required had to be stated at the time of order, however, with each kit being custom this slowed production time down producing each one. The kit now comes with a sheet of lettering for you to make up the name of your choice. When ordering simply select on the option boxes whether you require a single line or double line of text, wall mounted or floor standing, length of board required.

For this kit build, we’ve selected at random the single line board with the 14 width of board, with the floor standing option. The kit comes in the standard eco-friendly packaging complete with instruction sheet & three laser cut parts sheet. One sheet is the letters, the other two being the floor standing boards. The images below show the kit contents.

Let us get started…

Tools required

What tools do I need? 

  • A cutting mat
  • Tweezers
  • Roket Card Glue or Super Phatic Glue
  • Sanding stick (Cosmetic nail sanding board is ideal)
  • Acrylic paint of your choice 


Cut & remove the piece arrowed in the photo right. Discard this piece into the recycling bin.


Now carefully cut & remove the sign front frame section from the parts sheet. Light sand flush any pips from the frame section sides using the sanding board.


Next cut & remove the rear back board section. Again any pips on the part side edges, lightly sand them flush.


Next cut & remove the middle board section. Again any pips on the part side edges, lightly sand them flush.


Before assembly, spray paint the letters sheet & the three sections with primer aerosol spray paint. We’re using a cheap grey primer paint by Palsticote from the Range department shop. An even coat of primer was applied over each piece & the letters sheet.


Take the middle board piece, this is the one with the laser engraved rectangle on it. Cut a rectangle hole out of a piece of card or paper to match the rectangle, this will be our spray paint mask. Aline the hole so it matches up with the laser engraved rectangle. Then spray paint a suitable colour of your choice. We’re using black here whilst the letters will be in white. Again for the paint, we are using Plasticoat arts & crafts Black aerosol can spray paint to give two light coats of black paint. 


Next job is to paint the top coat of the letters & sign board sections with white paint, however, use whichever colour suits your needs for your layout. Use masking tape or another piece of card to mask off the black area of the middle sign section we painted earlier. Spray paint the letters & the sign frames, paint both sides of the frames.

After painting allowing the paint to dry you should now have something similar to the second photo on the right.


Apply a thin bead of Roket Card Glue to the four sections arrowed in the image right. Then carefully place the top frame upon the glued sections taking care to aline both parts so that all parts/edges are square & true. Wipe away any excess glue immediately. 


Now turn the sign over & apply glue on the rear & place the backboard section upon the glued area. Make sure all parts are correctly aligned, flush & true. Your sign board should now look like as shown on the right.

On the parts sheet, there are the two follow bits left. The letter alignment guide & the post tops. Cut & remove the letter alignment guide.

Turn the letter sheet over so the painted side is face down. Cut & remove the letters you require for the name. 

Place the alignment guide along the bottom of the sign, we’ve also used a second alignment guide along the top of the sign also as seen in the photo right. Test place the letters to work out the spacing/positioning which looks best to you. 

Once happy with where you want your letters, start with the first letter & apply a small amount of Roket Card Glue to the rear side of the letter.

Take your time here & very carefully place the letter so it sits straight & true against the letter alignment guides. Use tweezers to place the letters upon the sign.

Try to keep the spacing between each letter about one character apart as shown in the photo right, we’ve used the letter N as a character spacing guide.  

After applying the letters, cut & remove two of the post tops from the parts sheet.

Paint the post tops & allow the paint to dry.

Apply a small amount of Roket Card Glue on the top of the posts as shown right.

Now insert the post tops on to the posts as shown right.

That’s the floor standing sign boards complete.

All that’s left is for to glue them on your platform/station.

In the next article, we’ll look at the wall mounted ones.

Happy modelling.

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