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Building The LX208-OO Water Tower Kit (OO 1:76 Scale) Part One

A Look At Building The LX208-OO 50ft Water Tower Kit

Another recent new kit into the kit range is the LX208-OO Water Tower Kit. The LX208-OO is an ideal project for an afternoon or a couple of evenings modelling.

Kit contents

The kit comes in our standard recyclable clear packet, which contains one set of instructions with two build options (with roof or open top) including kit parts map, & three kit parts sheets & two texture wrap sheets. The images below show the kit contents.

Kit uses

For use in railway yards & depots, industrial locations, dock areas, etc. The time period for this kit has a way range from the late 1800’s up to the current day. The kit is base upon a prototype that can be found near Scale Model Scenery HQ here in Leicestershire. Though now out of use & standing empty, this can be replicated on your layout with this kit.

Tools Required

You’ll need the following tools for this build:

  • Cutting Mat
  • Steel ruler or straight edge for cutting against
  • Craft knife with a fresh sharp blade
  • One of the following glues: Roket Card Glue, UHU, PVA or Super Phatic Glue.
  • Glue stick for the texture wrap layer
  • Sanding stick (a nail file emery board is ideal)
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers 

Let us get started…

Tower base

On the parts sheet shown on the right, cut & remove parts A & B from the sheet. 


Lightly sand flush any pips on the part sides using the sanding stick or a cosmetic nail file sanding stick.


Apply glue on as shown on the right along the outside edge of part B.


Insert the glued part B on to part A as shown on the right. Hold both parts firmly whilst the glue sets. Make sure all parts are flush, true & sit at 90 degrees to each other.


Insert the glued part B on to part A as shown on the right. Hold both parts firmly whilst the glue sets. Make sure all parts are flush, true & sit at 90 degrees to each other.


Now repeat with the other part B, glue & fix on to part A as shown on the right.


Next, apply glue along the two sides of parts B as shown on the right.


Now place Part A on to the glued part B’s. Make sure that both part B’s face the same way as shown right.


You should have a tower frame looking the same as the image right.


Next cut & remove the two top bar sections, part C from the parts sheet. Make sure any pips are sanded flush on the parts side.


Apply glue into the two recesses on part C as shown on the right.


Insert Part C on to the tower frame as shown on the right. Hold part C firmly against the tower frame for 30 seconds or so whilst the glue sets.


Repeat with the other part C & glue into place onto the tower. You should now have the tower looking the same as on the right.


Next, it’s time for the cross pieces part D. Cut & remove these from the parts sheet, again sand flush any pips on the sides of part D.


Apply glue on to the raised flat sections as shown on the right.


Place each Part D on to the glued sections on part C as shown right. Make sure each part D sits level.


Once all part D’s have been glued into place the tower should now look the same as in the image right.



Now it’s time to paint the tower. Give the tower a coat of primer paint as shown on the right. We’ve used a cheap grey aerosol spray can paint from the Range Department store. Allow the paint to dry before moving on to the next stage.


As the prototype that we based this kit on, the tower is frame is made of concrete. So we’ll replicate the concrete by using some concrete looking coloured paint. In this case, we’re Woodland Scenics Concrete paint ST1454. We’ve applied two even coats of this paint to the tower frame.


The tower frame after painting.


The Tank Core

Next, we move on to assembly on the tank core. Cut & remove the parts shown on the right from the parts sheet. The parts are E, F, G & H. Sand flush any pips off the sides of the parts.

Parts E are the end sections.

Parts F are the long side sections.

Part G the mid top section.

Part H the tank bottom section.


Apply glue on to the end of part E as shown on the right.


Next, insert part E into the end part section part G.


Next, moving on to the other end glue & insert part E on to part section part G. As shown on the right.


Now we move on to the tank core sides. Glue & insert side part F onto part G as shown on the right.


Next Glue & insert the other side part F onto part G as shown on the right.


Finally, glue & fit the tank bottom part H on to the tank body. as shown on the right. In the photo right the tank is upside down.


This now brings us on to the tank details. You have two options at this point which are a closed tank design & open tank design. We’ll be doing the open tank design which will look at in part two to come next.

See you in part two.


Happy modelling.


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