Building The LX310-OO / LX309-OO Loading Bay Dock Shelters Kit (1:76/OO Scale)
Building The LX310-OO / LX309-OO Loading Bay Dock Shelters Kit (1:76/OO Scale)
We recently released two loading bay/loading dock door shelter kits for scratch building modellers. These kit packs come as a twin pack & also a larger pack of ten. Both kits build up the same but give the option of doing both large & small depots. The twin door pack can be found here:
The twin door pack LX309-OO
The ten door pack LX310-OO
This step by step guide will guide you through the build & assembly of the LX310-OO & LX309-OO kits. The four images show the kit contents for the LX310-OO Pack Of Ten doors kit. The LX309-OO is the same with the exception of it coming with just two doors instead of ten doors.

Let’s Get Started…
The tools you’ll need are as follows…
- Cutting mat
- Craft knife with a new sharp blade
- Steel ruler (acts as a cutting guide)
- Pencil
- Roket Card Glue or Super Phatic Glue
- Glue stick such as Pritt Stick or similar
- Felt tip pen or paint marker pen such as Noch’s Pantina Paint pens
- A sanding stick (cosmetic nail sanding stick will do)

Carefully cut & release two of the U shaped frames from the laser cut parts sheet.

Now glue the pair of U shaped frames in a stack of two to form an 8mm deep U shaped stack. Use Roket Card Glue or Super Phatic glue to glue the pair of U shaped frame together. Make sure that all the edges line up & are true & square to each other.
Tip: As shown in the photos opposite right, use the Scale Model Scenery SX002, Jig Tool, to help align both U shaped pieces.

After the glue has set, light sand flush any flash or pips from the side edges of the U shaped frame. This gives total flat sides for the texture wrap layer to sit upon.

Next using a steel ruler as a straight edge to cut against, cut out using a sharp craft knife the loading bay dock door hood surround from the photo-realistic texture sheet.

After cutting out the dock bay door hood, flip it over so printed side faces down. In pencil mark out the score fold lines. Then using the back blunt edge of the craft knife, lightly score the fold lines. The third photo right, shows in orange lines where the score fold lines need to go.

Next, you now have two option’s to choose from. These are dock bay door open showing the inside of a warehouse & dock bay door closed. Cut out the relevant image texture of your choice from the doors sheet. We’ve opted for the doors to be closed, hence we’ve cut out the closed-door texture.

Glue the door texture to the rear of the U shaped frame as shown in the photo opposite top right. Make sure that the concrete section of the image is at the bottom below the U shaped frame.

Glue & fold the two long vertical sides of the dock doors as shown opposite in the two photos right.

Glue & fold the two small top glue flaps as shown opposite in the photo right.

Then glue & fold down the top of the dock door cover as shown in the photo right.

To add a bit more depth, we’ve included an optional top cover flap for the dock door. As before cut out from the sheet using a sharp craft knife & steel ruler as a straight edge to cut against.
Once cut out, run a felt tip pen or the likes of paint Pantina pen by Noch, around the white edges of the cutout piece. Then apply glue to the rear non-printed side using a glue stick & carefully stick into place onto the dock hood as shown in the photo right.

This completes the assembly of the dock bay doors. Repeat the build process as many times as required for your own depot/logistics warehouse scratch build project.

To Install the dock bay doors…
Apply an even thin layer of glue to the rear of the dock doors. I’ve used a glue stick similar to Pritt stick which allows a little bit of working time for fine adjustment. The vertical lines of the cladding texture sheet help act as a guide to aline the dock bay door.

This now concludes the assembly & installation of the docking bay doors on the building.
Happy modelling.
