Craft knife and blades
I need some help please with what is the best craft knife to buy for standard modelling 1 and 2mm board etc I’ve brought some cheap ones but the blades are forever dropping out I’ve looked on eBay and Amazon all look much the same except I want to buy extra blades in pack of 100 but I don’t know which blades fits which knife very confusing are they all a standard fit ?
any reference or part number would be appreciated
Morning Caddieman. We sell this craft knife pack with a selection of blades:
We also do packs of replacement blades which can be found here:
We use these with in the team here at Scale Model Scenery HQ & find them to be very good. Hope this helps.
Best Advice I can give is try looking on the Swan-Morton web site as they list all scalpel handles and appropriate blades for each then see if you can buy them cheaper on E Bay or at Amazon , I bought mine from both as they do bulk purchase for blades and while your at it treat yourself to their Blade remover they are only a couple of pounds . Cheers
Agree with Iain and Steven as I use both. Greyboard/modelling board seems excellent at blunting blades 🙂 No 11 scalpel blades are excellent
It may be interesting to note that you can sharpen craft knife blades. I think I saw this on one of the videos (maybe a Kathy Millet). If you have a whetstone you could give it a try. A quick strop between each 2 or 3 cardboard passes. 🙂
Would certainly help make the blades last longer as you say.
Given the price of replacement blades, I think resharpening is a false economy. Buy your blades in 100 packs to get good value.