Building & Painting Our LX131-OO Whistle Signs
Our good friend Dan from Tunnel Lane Model Railway originally posted these videos up on his Facebook Page the other day showing how to assemble and paint our LX131-OO Whistle Signs. These are such a simple kit, and you wouldn’t think something as basic as a whistle sign could add that much interest to a scene. But with a little black, yellow & rust coloured paint it’s amazing how realistic these signs can look and how they can really enhance your lineside scenes. Please do subscribe to Dan’s Youtube channel to encourage him to put more videos up. The stuff he creates is fantastic.
None of the links in the newsletter are working
Oops. Just worked out what the problem is. I’ll work through them and get them sorted ASAP. Schoolboy error! The website theme updated and it now has to have urls specified for desktop, tablet and mobile for the videos!