After setting out all the track for my layout I then measured the distances required for my inclines. The track has three levels, lower level at the front which will include the station area, slightly higher level at the rear which includes the docks and container terminal and an elevated section where I intend to build a viaduct. I used the Woodland Scenics 2% Inclines/Riser sets with about 1800mm required to achieve the height needed. I glued card to the top of the risers before adding the DCC Concepts 3mm track-bed. I chose this product as it has profiled ballast shoulders and the underside is scored making it easy to cut for use on the curves. it is also available in 300 x 600mm sheets ideal for my shunting / docks areas.
Container ship placed in docks:
Part 5 to follow
Looking good there. Like how you’ve done the inclines to get the smooth transition. Following with interest, keep up the great work 🙂
Thank you Iain