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How To – Build The Portable Office Building Kit

How To – Build The Portable Office Building Kit

1970’s Portable Office Building

In this article we take a look at the 1970’s Portable Office Building kit. This 1970’s form of portable office building can still be found still in use at various locations around the country to this day. We’ll be using the Pre-Printed version of the 1970’s Portable Office Building Kit. It’s also available as a download kit too!

The pre-printed kit version:


The download kit version:

In this kit you have the option to use either with clear glazing or without glazing using the printed windows instead. If you don’t fancy using the clear glazing skip the sections on fitting the clear glazing sheets.

What Tools Do I need?

  • Steel Ruler
  • Scalpel or sharp craft knife
  • Coloured felt tip pens (For colouring paper edges)
  • Cutting Mat
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Fine Sand Paper


  • Deluxe Materials Roket Card Glue
  • UHU or EVO-Stick wood glue or PVA


In the gallery below can be seen the contents of this kit. The parts contain Laser pre-cut parts, Laser Acetate pre-printed glazing sheet, texture wrap layer sheets, kit instructions.

Lets get started…

First cut the base layer parts A1 & A2. These glue together into a stack of two making sure that all edges are square & true.

Next cut the base layer parts B1 & B2, C1 & C2, D1 & D2. Like base layers A1 & A2 glue into stacks of two in their corresponding pairs: i.e. B1 glue to B2, C1 glue to C2, D1 glue to D2. Again making sure that all edges are square & true.
Cut out texture part A1 from the texture wrap layer sheet. Use the steel ruler as straight edge as a guide to cut against using the Scalpel or Sharp Craft Knife.
Again using the steel ruler & craft knife cut the grey cut lines on the the door & window openings on texture wrap sheet A1.
Using a glue stick like Prittstick or similar glue the un-printed side of the texture sheet. Carefully stick the texture sheet to the base layer part A1 taking care to line up the windows & door openings on both parts.
Using the back side blunt part of the blade carefully score a fold line along each side of the windows & door openings. Then glue & fold the flaps down as seen on the right.
Repeating what we’ve just done, cut out texture wrap layer parts: B1, C1, D1 & again cut out the window openings. Then glue texture wrap B1 on to base layer B2, texure wrap C1 on to base layer C1, texture wrap D1 on to base layer D1. Again repeat the score fold & glue of the window / door flap openings. This then concludes the inner wall details.
Cut out base layer parts E1 & E2. Glue & stick together into a stack of two making sure that all edges are square & true.
Cut out base layer parts E1 & E2. Glue & stick together into a stack of two making sure that all edges are square & true. Cut out texture wrap layer E1 (the Office floor) & glue on to the base layer part E1. Make sure all edges are square & true.
Cut out base layer parts F1 glue & stick together into a stack of three making sure that all edges are square & true. Cut out texture wrap layer F1 (the Office Roof) & glue on to the base layer part E1. Make sure the roof base layer is glued centrally on to the roof texture sheet.
Carefully score alone the edge of the roof base layer ( on the white side of the roof texture sheet ). Then glue & fold the edge flaps around & over the edge of the base layer. Use a felt tip pen to colour in any white edges of the texture layer.
Now cut out base layer part G1 & texture layer G1 ( White Ceiling ). Carefully glue the ceiling texture layer on to the base layer part G1. Then Glue base layer G1 on to the under side of the roof. Make sure that you place the ceiling centrally & square on the roof underside with equal spacing around the edges on all sides.
Now cut out the four clear glazing sections as shown on the three photos on the right. The one with the door carefully cut out the door opening (or cut out the door section completely leaving that section with just the windows).
Starting with the wall side with the door opening, carefully glue the glazing sheet into place with the windows lining up with the printed weathered window frames on the glazing sheet. Repeat this on the other three wall sections. The glazing sheet is glued on to the side without the texture sheet as shown on the right. I’ve used Roket Card Glue to secure the glazing in place.
Now we get to the part where some careful cutting out is needed. This is on the window sections on the outside wall texture sheets.  Very carefully cut & remove the black printed window sections on the Outside Wall texture sheets parts A2, B2, C2 & D2. Cut along the central glazing bars first….take care on this bit they are Very Fragile!!

Then glue the outside wall texture sheets to their corresponding base layer parts. So door piece goes on the base layer with door opening, long back wall on to long wall base layer, two smaller ones on to the two smaller end wall base layers.

Take one of the end wall sections with the weathered printed side facing outwards, glue & place onto the end of the floor section as shown on the right. Use two Lego Bricks or square blocks to hold the end wall section in place as the Rocket Card glue sets. Repeat this again for the other end wall section at the other end of the floor section.
Once the glue has set on both end wall sections, run a thin line of Roket Card Glue along one side of the end wall sections & floor section as shown on the right. Then carefully place one of the long wall sections in place as shown on the right. Make sure that all edges are square & true. (Note: On the floor section is a door mat, this of course goes to the side wall with the door!)
Now cut out wrap layer E2 & glue on to the underside of the cabin building. Make sure all edges are square & true.
Now cut out wrap layer containing the floor bearer texture wraps & the base layer I.
Glue the base layer part I into stacks of two. Then glue & place centrally on to the wrap layer you’ve just cut out. Glue & wrap texture wrap layer around the base layer I.
Now repeat with the other two floor bearers. Once all three have been assembled glue into place on the underside of the floor as shown.
Cut out base layer L (the door) & texture layer L (the door). Glue & place the door centrally on to the door texture wrap. Score glue & fold the door edges followed by the door side. As shown on the right.
Glue door into position. Here i’ve set the door in an open position.
Cut out the jack legs (Parts J) & glue into four stacks of two. Once glue has set either paint black or use a black felt pen to colour the jack legs. Then glue two jack legs per each side of the cabin where the black printed jack legs are.
Cut out base layers parts H & K. Glue the two large ones together to form a stack of two & do the same with the two smaller parts. Then glue the smaller one onto the larger one as shown on the right. This then forms the steps to the door.
All that’s left to do is add some interior detail & lighting which we’ll take a look in another article shortly. The roof will simple fit in to place. Don’t glue the roof as this will allow access to show the interior detail.

All that’s left to do is now place on your layout.


Happy modelling.

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  1. roybag57

    Nice clear instructions as usual, many thanks

  2. PhilipL

    Great to read such clear and concise instruction thank you


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