Interior Room Details (Part 1)
Adding Interior Room Details
L.E.D. & S.M.D. lighting is now commonplace with modellers now using them for street lighting & lighting up model building room interiors. Add more scenic interest to your layout & dioramas by installing rooms with interior details. Only rooms that are lit or can be seen should have some form of detail. Rooms that you can’t see into don’t really need details adding unless you want to. One quick way to add detail is to fit some kind of curtains or net curtains across the window, these could be drawn to stop one seeing in but still be lit.
So for this article, we’ll look at adding an eye-catching feature to draw the viewer in with a fireplace with working flickering fire. Plus some other details to go in the room.
Tools You’ll need are:
- Cutting Mat
- Craft Knife with fresh sharp blade
- Steel ruler for measuring & cutting against
- Scissors
- Deluxe Materials Roket Card Glue or similar
- Glue stick like Pritt Stick
- Super Glue
- Drill & suitably sized drill bit for a hole for the L.E.D wires to go through
- Old cloth to wipe away excess glue
Fireplace Kit
We’ll start by building the LX010-OO Fireplace kit. This kit builds two fireplaces & features one orange flickering L.E.D. & one yellow flickering L.E.D. A selection of different chimney breast wall coverings is included for you to choose from. A nice touch is a selection of clocks, & wall paintings & floor rugs are included too!!
In the slider gallery below can be seen what comes in the kit. The L.E.D.s come pre-wired with a resistor so just a case of connecting up to a power supply, we’ll show you how in this article.
Let’s get started…
With the parts sheet in front of you, carefully cut free the parts marked in the orange box. Sand flush any pips on the parts side.
The four parts are assembled in the order as shown on the right to form a stack of four. This will form the chimney breast core piece.
Apply some Roket Card Glue to one of the arch pieces as shown on the right.
Next place one of the arched pieces on to the glued one as shown on the right to form a stack of two. Make sure all sides are true flush & square.
Now apply some Roket Card Glue onto the single arched piece as shown on the right.
As before, place the stack of two arched pieces onto the glued arched piece. Make sure all sides are true flush & square.
Next, apply some Roket Card Glue onto the rectangle piece as shown on the right.
Now place the stack of three arched pieces on to the glued rectangle piece. Make sure all sides are true flush & square. Next, paint the recess as shown on the right a black or dark colour.
Allow time for the paint to dry, if necessary apply a second coat of black paint.
Now pick one of the chimney breasts textures & carefully cut out from the sheet.
The cut-out chimney breast texture.
Mark out the two-fold line lines on the back of the texture. Then taking the craft knife, turn the knife over & using the blunt edge of the blade, carefully score along the fold line as shown on the right. DON’T cut through the texture sheet!!
Now fold up both sides as shown on the right.
Using Pritt stick or similar glue stick, apply the glue to the front side of the core stack, the side with the recess.
Also apply the Pritt stick glue along the sides as well.
Carefully place the glued stack onto the texture sheet. Make sure that the recess matches up with the recess on the texture sheet. Next, run a bead of Roket Card Glue as shown on the right.
Now fold over the side so it sits folded over the edge as shown on the right. Repeat with the other side.
The chimney breast should now look something like as shown on the right.
Next carefully cut the parts marked in the photo on the right from the parts sheet. These are the fireplace core parts. Lightly sand any pips flush on the parts edges.
Now apply Roket Card Glue around the rectangle frame as shown on the right.
Place the second piece of the fireplace on to the glued section as shown on the right. Make sure all edges are square true & flush.
With the fireplace texture shown on the right, carefully cut between the orange arrows as shown. These will form the folding texture sections.
Here you see the folding sections being carefully cut.
Once the folding sections have been cut, then cut out the fireplace texture as shown on the right.
Apply glue to the flat rectangle side as shown on the right.
Place the glued side onto the back of the texture sheet as shown on the right. The folding sections should fold into the section of the card frame with the hole.
Fold & glue the flaps around the edges so you should have the fireplace surround piece looking like in the image on the right.
Now cut & remove the piece marked in orange from the parts sheet. Sand flush any pips.
Use a black felt tip pen to colour in the piece you’ve just cut free from the parts sheet.
Now glue the piece across the front lower part of the fireplace. Apply glue to the rear of the fireplace & stick onto the chimney breast. Test fit one of the L.E.D’s to make sure it fits into the bottom of the fireplace as shown on the right.
The Second Fireplace
The second fireplace is a little bit different to the first one as it has top mantle piece & has a recessed opening that forms a 45 angle into the fire area. Cut out the parts shown on the right from the parts sheet. Sand flush any pips that aren’t flush on the parts sides.
As before glue the two frame sections together to form a stack of two. Make sure all sides are square flush & true.
Again as before cut the folding flap sections & then cut out the fireplace texture.
As before, apply glue to the front of the frame ( the recess goes to the back ) & place the frame onto the rear of the fireplace texture. Fold the flaps into the recess & around all the outside edges. Your fireplace should look something like as seen on the right.
The two parts shown on the right are: Top piece is the mantlepiece. The bottom piece is the lower front fire piece. Take the lower piece & colour it black using a felt tip pen.
Having coloured in the front lower piece, glue on to the lower front part of the fireplace as shown on the right.
Next cut out the mantlepiece texture.
Now glue mantle base layer onto the rear of the texture as shown on the right.
Glue & fold the flaps around the base layer then glue the piece onto the top of the fireplace as shown on the right.
Fixing The L.E.D’s
To permanently fix the L.E.D’s into place apply some super glue to the lower part of the fireplace recess. I’ve left the lower front piece off for clarity.
Place the L.E.D into the recess so that the lip of the L.E.D is flush with the bottom of the chimney breast. I’ve left the lower front piece off for clarity.
Leave to one side for the glue to fully set.
Part Two To Follow….
They really do add that finishing touch, what a difference they make.
These are great little kits, well worth adding to any building. Look great when the building is lit up at night.