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Kit Bundles (Part Three) – SMS-BP6 Industrial Factory Pack (Building The KX001-OO 1930’s Factory)

Kit Bundles (Part Three) – SMS-BP6 Industrial Factory Pack (Building The KX001-OO 1930’s Factory)

SMS-BP6 Industrial Factory Pack (Building The KX001-OO 1930’s Low Relief Factory)

Following on from Part Two of this look at the Industrial Factory Kit Bundle Pack, we now take a look at the KX001-OO 1930’s Low Relief Factory Kit & how to build/assemble it. The kit is one of the popular ones within our growing range of kits. It’s also available as a download kit too! In the pack it comes with an instruction sheet,  six sheets of photo realistic textures & seven sheets of pre-Laser cut parts on greyboard card. 

The kit can be built up over a weekend or over a course of several evenings modelling sessions. Read through the instructions before hand to familiarise yourself to the kit parts & assembly. 

Download Version info

If you are building the download version, you’ll need to print the texture layers off on to 100gsm photo qaulity inkjet/laser paper. The card you’ll need for the download version is approx 0.7mm. Make sure you set your printer to 100% scaling for printing off, the base layer template sheets print off on to 80gsm copier paper again at 100% scaling.


The photos below show what comes in the pre-printed kit contents pack.

Tools required

What tools do I need? 

  • Cutting mat
  • Deluxe Materials Roket Card Glue or Super Phatic glue. Other glues ideal for assembling this kit include: PVA, UHU, or Evo-Stick Wood Glue.
  • Craft knife with a fresh sharp blade
  • Glue stick such as the likes of Pritt Stick or similar
  • Sanding stick (a cosmetic nail file will do)
  • Tweezers 
  • Scissors
  • Steel ruler
  • Coloured felt pens (assorted)


Lets get started…

Start off by carefully cutting out Texture sheet part A & also Base Layer Part A


Using a glue stick or similar, apply glue to the non printed side of the texture sheet & carefully place on to the base layer Part A. Make sure there are no air bubbles, lumps etc. If so smooth the texture sheet down to remove them. Place some heavy books or similar to keep the part flat whilst the glue sets.


Now cut out base layer part C (wall section) & texture part B (central windows).


Using a glue stick or similar, apply glue to the non printed side of the texture sheet & carefully place on to the base layer Part C. Make sure there are no air bubbles, lumps etc. If so smooth the texture sheet down to remove them. Place some heavy books or similar to keep the part flat whilst the glue sets.


Now cut & remove the 12 window blank pieces from part B (Wall Section). Don’t throw these window blank sections away as they are needed later on in the kit build!!

Cut & remove part B (Wall Section) from the parts sheet.


Now cut & remove the whole of Part B from the texture sheet. The carefully cut the black X cut mark lines across each window using a steel ruler & a sharp craft knife. This creates the flaps for the window openings.



Again using a glue stick or similar, apply glue to the non printed side of texure sheet part A. Carefully place on to the wall base layer part B making sure the cut X’s line up with each of the 12 windows. Make sure there are no air bubbles or lumps, if so smooth these out. Make sure also that the texture sheet is sqaure, true & flush with the outer edges of the base layer part B.

Turn the wall over & using a pair of tweezers, pull each triangle flap through the window. Glue each flap down into place as shown on the right. We’ve used Roket Card Glue for the fixing down of each flap here.



Window Sills Option

If you want to add the optional window sills to give more depth to the windows, follow this stage, otherwise skip this section.

Cut out the optional window sills from the texture parts sheet. You’ll need the 12 larger window sills. Take your time cutting these window sills out & touch up the exposed white edges with a suitable coloured felt tip pen.



Window Sills Option

Apply a thin bead of Roket Card Glue along the non printed wider end of the window sill texture as shown on the right.

Carefully place the glue section as shown on the second photo right, making sure that the sill lines up with the one already on the wall. Allow time for the glue to set before moving on to the next stage.



Window Sills Option

After the glue has set, turn the wall over. Apply a thin bead of Roket Card Glue along the non printed wider end of the window sill texture as shown on the right.

Then fold the sill up through the window & stick down to the wall as shown in the second photo right.



If you’ve skipped the window sill option, rejoin the kit build here. Apply Roket Card Glue to the rear of wall B ( The brick wall with window openings) & carefullyb place on to wall A. Make sure all edges & the windows are correctly aligned, true & sqaure.

Place some heavy books on top to add weight whilst the glue sets. 



Now we move on to the front wall surround sections. Carefully cut & remove texture wall part B from the texture sheet. You’ll notice that the windows as before, have black cut mark lines. In the top corners you’ll see eight more black cut mark lines, these we’ve marked out in orange arrows for you to help identify them. 



As before, use a steel ruler & craft knife to cut the black cut lines, as shown on the right. Cut the windows & the top corners, these will give you the fold flaps.



After cutting the window & corner flaps, proceed to cut & part B out the sheet. After cutting out texture part B, you should have the same as in the photo right.

Cut out & remove the window blanks on base layer part D. Again keep these blanks for use later on in this kit build. Now proceed to cut & remove base layer part D free from the parts sheet.



Apply glue using a glue stick or similar to the non printed side of texture sheet part B. Place the base layer part D as shown in the photo right, on to the glued side of part B. 



As before, apply glue to the rear of each window wall flap, fold up each flap through the window & stick down on to the wall as shown on the right.



Optional window sills

As before, you again have the option to fit optional window sills. Follow the same proceedure as discribed up above earlier. Again make sure each optional window sill is aligned with the printed one on the wall. 



Now glue wall D on to wall C, making sure the edges & windows all line up correctly. This now makes part C/D.

Now glue & fold the eight inner wall flaps around the walls as shown on the right.

DON’T glue & fold the two outer end wall flaps just yet!!



Now glue the wall part C/D onto the wall section that comprises of parts A & B. Make sure that all the edges are aligned.

 Still, DON’T glue & fold the two outer end wall flaps just yet!!



Make a cut a small cut into the side edge of the wrap where the inner edge is, as shown on the right.



Now glue & fold both the side wraps down & around the exposed card edges.



Cut & remove base layers E & F from the base layers parts sheet. Glue these two into a stack of two making sure all edges are sqaure & true.



Cut & remove texture wrap part C from the texture parts sheet.


Cut along the two black cut lines in the two inner corners. This will allow for the wrap layer to be folded around the base layer.


Using the glue stick or similar, apply glue to the non printed side of the wrap & place the the baser layer stack E & F centrally as shown on the right, on to the wrap.

Then proceed to fold & glue down the flaps as shown on the second photo on the right.


Now glue this section centrally on to the front wall of the building as shown on the right.


Cut out the black roof texture & base layer part M. Apply glue using a glue stick or similar to non printed side of the roof texture, & place on to the base layer part M. Make sure all sides are aligned.


The side wall base layer parts G & H now need to be cut & removed from the parts sheet. Glue in to two stacks of two with each stack containing one part G & part H, as shown on the second image on the right. Make sure that the bottom edges of the stack are aligned.  


Next cut out the following baselayer wall parts from the base layer sheet: Parts I, J, K, L.

Glue these in to two stacks of two. One stack containing parts I & J & the other stack containing K & L. 

Now cut out the four texture wall wraps D, E, F & G. Place F & G to to one side as these will be needed after this stage.

Parts D & E are the ones with the grey strip on them.


On the top stone lintel section of wraps D & E there is a small black cut line. Cut along this black line to make a flap.


Glue texture wraps E & D on to the two base layer stacks that contain parts G & H. Align the grey strip on parts E & D up against the edge of G & H as shown on the right. The flap section that we cut earlier needs to be at the recessed/lip end of parts G/H. As shown on the right.

Now glue & fold down the remaining single flap around the edge as shown on the right.

Now take base layer stacks containing parts I & J, K & L, & wraps F & G. Place one baselayer card stack, glue & place centrally on to the non printed side of F or G.

Fold & glue one side wall down as follows. On one glue & fold the left hand side down whilst the other wall, fold & glue down the right hand wall.

Now glue one of the smaller side walls (parts I/J) on to the larger side walls (parts G/H). The end with the flap that hasn’t been glued down on parts I/J must sit flush with the grey edge section on the larger wall (G/H). 

Then glue & fold the flap around the exposed edge of parts I, J, G, H, as shown on the right.

Now repeat with the other two walls, though this time it will be the opposite way. This will then give you left & right handed wall sections.

Now remember the window blank sections that we said to keep to one side, now is the time to use them. These are the corner braces, so but them up to the edge of the thicker wall edge & glue them into place using Roket Card glue.

Apply a bead of Roket Card Glue along the front edge of the thicker side walls with the corner braces. Place on to the back of the front wall making sure that they are flush with the edge. Repeat the process with the other wall.

Take the black roof part M & glue into position on the ledge along the inside of the top wall, as shown on the right. 

Now cut out the inner top stone wraps part L from the texture sheet (One long & two short).

Next glue the stone wrap sections part L on to the inner top wall as shown on the right. Make sure they site flush with the black roof & top exposed wall edge. 

Cut and remove the base layer parts N, O, P, Q, R, S & T from the parts sheet.

Glue them into stacks with their corresponding letter groups, so you end with the following stacks shown in the image right. 

A tip here is to use our corner jig tools (as seen in Model Rail Mag) to help align the stacks whilst gluing, 

Cut & remove corner wraps part K & glue into each inner corner of stack Q & R as shown right.

Next cut & remove the corner stone wraps N, O, Q, R from the texture wrap sheet. 

Glue & wrap N around on to base layer stack N.

Glue & wrap O around on to base layer stack O.

Glue & wrap Q around on to base layer stack Q. (Dont’ glue & fold the rear flap on this one)

Glue & wrap R around on to base layer stack R. (Dont’ glue & fold the rear flap on this one)

Next glue Q on to the the top of N making sure the rear edges are flush & aligned, then proceed to glue the rear flap of Q & stick down over the rear edge of Q & N. Repeat with O on to R.

Next cut & remove Stone top wrap section P & glue & wrap it around base layer stack P. Align the rear edge of the baser layer with the rear edge of the wrap as shown on the right.

Now repeat with cutting out wrap part S. Glue & wrap it around base layer part S. However leave the long rear flap unglued as shown on the right.

Now repeat with cutting out wrap part T. Glue & wrap it around base layer part T as shown on the right.

Now repeat with cutting out wrap part T. Glue & wrap it around base layer part T as shown on the right.

Next take stack Q/N & glue it into palce on top of the wall making sure the rear of Q/N is flush with the rear of the top wall.

Next Glue S on to P making sure that the rear edge with the unglued flap on part S is flush with the rear edge of part P. Then proceed to glue the flap over the rear of parts S & P as shown on the right.

Glue & fix into place part S/P centrally on the top of the building as shown right. Make sure it’s rear edge is flush with the roof inside edge & also butted up to the edging stone section that was glued in place earlier.

Now glue the other roof stone edging into place making sure, its rear edge is flush with the inside of the roof & butted up to the central stone top section. As shown on the right.

Take part T that we glued & wrapped earlier & glue on to the central top stone section. Make sure the rear edge is flush with the rear roof top sections. Make sure the side overhangs are equal.

Cut & remove base layer part U and also the wrap layer part U from their respective parts sheets. Glue & wrap base layer part U with wrap layer part U as shown in the four photos right. Before doing the two side angle sections, allow time for the glue to set on the long front roof section. Once dry bend the two angled side sections back & glue the wrap down around the two side angled parts.

Cut & remove the base layer roof braces. There are two smaller braces, these are for the two end slope roof sections. Glue the braces as shown on the right at equal distances apart. Make sure that the longer edge of the brace goes to the roof & that they are located at the rear edge of the roof.

Glue the sloping roof on to the top of the black roof as shown on the right. Make sure the rear edge is flush with the rear edge of the building. The sloping roof needs to sit with equal distance to the inside top wall. 

The last item is the two drain pipe/guttering pipe. Cut out the two black drain pipe strips. Score & fold in half & then glue along the inside of the fold on the non printed side. Then press down & both sides together & leave to one side whilst the glue dries. Repeat the process with the other drain pipe.

Now measure around 2mm back from the front edge with the black wrap & mark off at either end. Next cut along the black wrap between these two marks to give a 2mm deep strip.

Cut to length to suit the height of the wall.

Now gluethe drain pipe onto the joint line on the wall as shown on the right. Repeat the process with the drain pipe for the other wall.

This concludes the assembly of this kit.


Happy modelling.

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  1. justin evans

    i recently built this kit, i am well happy with the result it looks great

    • Iain

      Many thanks for your feedback, Justin 🙂

  2. Douglas Bell

    Great background item for my TMD.


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