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Layout In A Box – Demo Micro Layout Project (part 20 ) More Lineside Trunking/Cabling Details

Scale Model Scenery Demo Micro Layout Project – Assembly of the LX035-OO Concrete Trunking Kit & Installation

Part Twenty

Following on from part nineteen of this series in which we looked at installing our LX035-OO Concrete Trunking Kit. We now look at extending the cable trunking using two more kits from our lineside kit range. The first is the orange UTX cable tube trunking which is available in two scales OO & also O gauge. The other is the lineside cable runs with cable hangers. This is available in two scales again, N & OO scales.

For the orange UTX cable tube trunking you can find them here in our webshop:

OO Scale–utx-cable-ducting–trunking-14mm-x-280mm-oo4mm176-7838-p.asp

O Gauge–trunking-2mm-x-280mm-o7mm143-7655-p.asp

For the Cable runs with hangers these can be found here:

For N gauge–hangers-for-platforms-tunnels-etc—n2mm1148-8671-p.asp?_=&variantid=8680–hangers-for-platforms-tunnels-etc—n2mm1148-8671-p.asp?_=&variantid=8680

For OO Gauge–hangers-for-platforms-tunnels-etc—oo4mm176-8662-p.asp?_=&variantid=8669–hangers-for-platforms-tunnels-etc—oo4mm176-8662-p.asp?_=&variantid=8670—oo4mm176-8655-p.asp

Lets get started…

Lets get started…

Tools you’ll need are:

  • Cutting Mat
  • Craft knife with new blade
  • Deluxe Materials Roket Card Glue
  • Tweezers
  • Small flat blade screwdriver
  • Vacuum 

The LX035-OO kit Which we used in the last article, we’ve placed two T junction sections either side of the track we want to contuine the cable run under. The T junction sections before fitting, the ballast was scraped away  to create a flat areausing a small flat bladed screwdriver & the loose ballast vacuumed up. The ballast was also scraped away between two sleepers as well & again the loose ballast vacuumed up. 

Next a length of the orange UTX tube trunking was cut to suit the gap bewtween the two T junction pieces. This was then carefully guided & slid under the rails bewteen the sleepers. You may find a pair of tweezers will help push/pull the UTX trunking tube under the rails. The tube has bit of flex in it  which helps when sliding under the rails. Once happy that the UTX trunking was in the correct place, apply some loose ballast chippings to refill any areas of ballast that was scrapped away. Apply a 50/50 mix of PVA glue with water (a drop of washing up liquid in the mix also too, to help spread the glue mix) to the ballast area. Allow time for the glue mix to dry.

In the photo right can be seen the UTX cable after fitting The arrows indicate the UTX cable trunking tube.

To continue the cable run along the layout, we now switch to the cable with hangers. These come in various sizes with different spacings between hangers & cable run heights. You can also if you wish mix the N gauge ones in with the OO scale ones on a OO scale layout as they will look like a smaller sized cable, Indeed i’ve done this on my own layout! The pack we are using ca be seen in the photo right.  

Before removing the cable run from the parts sheet, paint with suitable dark acrylic paint(s). Pushed for time? Use Woodland Scenics, steel rail track tidy paint pen. Paint both sides & all edges & allow time to dry before cutting free from the parts sheet. In the second image below right can be seen the Woodland Scenics Steel Rail Paint Pen, handy for not just painting rails, put alsorts of steel related kit items around the layout.

Cut & remove the cable run strips from the parts sheet. Touch up any unpainted areas. Next apply Roket Card glue to the rear of the brackets, place & hold on the wall for 30 seconds to give time for the glue to grab & set. In the photo right, we ran the cable run one spacing section beyond the wall. Holding the end bracket, we bent the cable run downwards so that the hanger bracket is then sitting on the ground. Here we then took another section of the cable run cut it to suit the remaining bit to reach the concrete trunking. The end hanger bracket was cut & removed from the cable run & the cables all bent downwards to all converge at the same point, where the run meets the concrete cable trunking. This was then glued into place as seen in the photo opposite right. 

Even though the cable run is for mounting on walls, it can be as shown here be used as a free standing ground mounted item. If using as a ground mounted item you can add further details such as wooden/concrete ground mounted posts for the hanger brackets to be fitted on.

 The same photo again right without the arrows & text to give you a clearer view of this lineside details. 

In the next article of this on going series, we’ll take a look at some more lighting items being installed on this demo layout project.

Happy modelling.

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