Layout In A Box – Demo Micro Layout Project (part 22 ) Loco Shed Doors
Scale Model Scenery Demo Micro Layout Project – Loco Shed Doors
Part Twenty Two
Following on from part twenty one of this series, in which we looked at installing our Pre-Wired 3mm Blue Flickering LED 12 to 16v MLS012 pack, also the MLS001 Pre-Wired Surface Mount LED’s (3.5mm x 2.8mm) Warm White lights. We now ow move on to adding further detail to the low relief loco shed. To act as a view blocker & to help hide the flickering blue LED light, we’ll be fitting roller shutter doors to the loco shed. The doors are available in pre-printed format & also in a download format here in the club shop (also available over on our MRS download site too!).
Three scales are offered, these being N gauge, OO/HO Gauge, O gauge. They come in plain galvanised finish & also three types of pre-weather yellow & black Chevron finish. In the images below can be seen the doors mentioned.
Lets get started…
Tools you’ll need are:
- Craft knife with new sharp blade
- Steel ruler for measureing & to act as a cutting guide
- Greyboard card or similar
- Deluxe Materials Roket Card Glue or similar
- Glue stick (such as Pritt Stick)
The door sheet we’ve opted for is the TX176-OO (OO Scale) Chevron Hazard Stripe Roller Shutter Door, this comes as a pack of 5pre-printed sheets. They are great for scratch building, adding to existing kits as we’ve done here, or upgrading parts on other brand kits such as the Gaugemaster twin road loco shed for example. We’ll be combine the door sheet with greyboard card for added strength, just incase one of us ends up accidently running a loco through the shed door!
The grey board card we’re using is the GB002 1mm A4sheet size Greyboard which comes in a pack of ten. This can be found here:
The TX176-OO Chevron Hazard Door can be found here:
To start off, the door way openings were measured on the engine shed building. I then added around a extra 8mm to the width & also 8mm to the height. This will allow for door to be glued to the rear of the front walls, bit like the tabs on our other card kits. These measurements I then marked out on Greyboard Card. As we are also doing one door way with the roller shutter in the open position, a shorter piece of Greyboard Card was marked out, both pieces then being cut out as shown in the photo right.
The roller shutter door photo texture sheet has weathered details as standard, with the top & bottom sections having more dust, dirt & streaking. We’ve highlighted these for you in the photo right. Our door ways won’t be using the full height of the sheet, so will be using one weathered edge for one door & the other weathered edge for thew second door. This will add a bit more variety to the scene we are creating.
Taking the larger of the card greyboard cut outs, place it on to the printed side of the roller shutter door texture sheet. Make sure that the center line of the greyboard cut out lines up with the center of the Vee on the chevrons & also along the bottom edge of the printed area. Then draw around the edge of the greyboard cut out to leave a mark line for cutting out. Now repeat the process for the rear side of the door.
Reat the process again for the other door. Using a steel ruler as straight edge to cut against, use a craft knife with a new blade (don’t use a blunt blade as it’ll drag & rip the texture paper). After cutting you’ll now have the following pieces as shown in the photo right.
Turn the door texture cut outs over & apply glue to the non printed side. Use a glue stick or similar as shown right. Care fully place the glued texture on to the greyboard cut out & then repeat the process on the other side. Use a felt tip pen, paint or similar to touch up the exposed edges of the card.
As per real locations, some places have a painted cheveron on one side & plain galvanised on the other. This can be recreated using the plain roller shutter door textures as listed earlier.
Apply a bead of Deluxe Materials Roket Card Glue along the long sides & across the top as shown in the photo right.
Carefully place the door on the inside of the door as shown right. Leave just enough height on the bottom of the door to clear the rails that run into the building.
Now repeat the process with the other door, but this time i’ve set it in the up position to clear the locos & rolling stock when entering/leaving the shed. Note also the work bench glued to the shed wall. This when the shed is replaced back on to the hard standing will sit on the floor & add scenic detail intrest to this shed scene. The walls have been painted white to help reflect light back into the building from the interior LED.
The shed is then glued into place making sure it’s firmly butted up to the backscene to prevent any light leakage when the interior light is switched on. To add even further scenic details, we’ve added a concrete fire hydrant marker & fire hydrant metal work cover in front of the shed. This concludes the installation of the doors & shed.
Happy modelling
That looks, superb mate. Terrific modelling!
Looks great, I like the idea of having a part open door too. May use that on my shed.
Hi Malc, we wanted to give more scenic interest with the door open on the shed so that the viewers can look through the doorway & see lots of interior details such as the workbench & other bits which we’ll be covering in this series.
Hi Iain, look forward to seeing the interior details, something else to consider adding to my sheds
Thank you 🙂 I’ll be doing this upgrade on my own layout with these doors now.