Loch Milford Castle

Loch Milford Castle was the first structure built for my layout “Loch Milford and Pepper Lane” and was the start of me getting back into Railway Modelling.
After a few barren year called marriage when we either didnt have the room, or the money or had to keep the spare room for the grand kids (hers) my ex wife finally got the message that we were better going our separate ways and left in January 2013.
9 months later and seperated I met my soul mate in Julie. She encouraged me to take up modelling again and house move in January 2014 yielded a house with a large attic.
I had always loved the highlands of Scotland and had visited Eilean Donan Castle on a number of occasions. The layout would be set on the North West Coast of Scotland so it only seemed right that a representation of the castle should be included.
I browsed the internet and found some side elevations of the various structures and some photos. These, together with my own site visit pics were enough to enable me to draw up some rough scale drawings and enable the build to commence.
What follows isnt really a step by step account but a pictorial record of each section of the model without the tantrums, swearing and lows of a scale modeler.
Materials used are simply Artists Mount Board, Texture Papers and the Odd Loo Roll
1. The Tower House (Keep)
2.The West Wing
3. Gate House, Stables, and Curtain Walls (Including Loo Roll)
The 3 main sections above were built before the house move.
With the house move now complete and the layout construction underway. thought could now be given to where the castle was to be sighted. One of the 2 alcoves either side of the chimney seemed the best location with the other alcove the location for Loch Milford Harbour. The base boards came from a joblot of loft boards wirg Softwood Framing and Legs. Water was simply brown acrylic paint with several coats of Gloss Varnish and the landscapong is Papier Mache using Kitchen Roll and PVA.
Various scatters and detailing items were used to finish off the model with most of the scenic work being done by Julie. The bridge had to be turned through 90 degrees to fit but it works well.
What a brilliant little castle you have build,looks super.