Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Well it’s that time of year again… The printers & laser cutters have been switched off. The 3D printers are running their last few batches of prints for the year and I’m about to stuff my face with copious amounts of Mince Pies, Christmas Cake & Christmas Pud! I think we’ve managed to get all of the Christmas present orders out in time, and the turkey has just been delivered.
Thank you all for such an amazing year! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, 2018 has been a crazy year for us! We got married of course, Elizabeth won lots of medals for dancing, and we did our first ever Warley show, which was just bonkers from start to finish. And Tina now has no gallbladder! Haha. According to her surgeon, horses don’t need them so why would we?! We’ve also made some lifelong friends along the way!
We’re all totally cream crackered now and ready to a good few days rest while we gather our thoughts and formulate our plans for world domination… I mean plans for the first quarter of 2019! Haha. We’ve got loads of things pencilled into the diary in terms of new kits, club content, videos and more… So come Boxing Day, Tina & I will probably be chomping at the bit, ready to get going again!
So all that’s left for me to do then is to say a mahoosive Thank You for all your support & encouragement throughout the year… you’re an amazing bunch of people and you all feel like family! Hope you enjoy our little Christmas Video above (watching right until the end is highly recommended!) and we’ll be back with more newsletters, videos and updates in the New Year.
From myself, Tina, Elizabeth, Lola and the whole team at Scale Model Scenery, may we wish you a
Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
Take care & of course… Keep on Shunting!
Justin & Tina
Hi to all the team, I would like to echo the Christmas wishes to you and yours. Looking forward to the next year of innovation, have a great break, Cheers Trevor at Tellem Noot.
Happy Christmas everyone and have a very successful New Year
The same to you Pete 🙂