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Model Railway Scenery News – 31st January 2018

Model Railway Scenery News – 31st January 2018

Whistle-Stop Wednesday

Good Evening <<First Name>>,

How’s things? This week’s turning out to be much more productive than last week, and we’re really making headway with lots of stuff here at HQ, and I can’t believe tomorrow is the 1st of February already! Only 5 months and 4 days until Tina & I tie the knot now… That’s going to come round soooo fast… Mind you it’s taken almost 18 years for us to actually get round to it 🙂 It’s all coming together ok though I think. She’s gone round to my Sisters with a Bridesmaids dress for our Niece to try on while I write this tonight. Looks like Tina and I have to pop back to Next tomorrow though as she’s just found three pairs of suit trousers in a box upstairs which I thought I’d sent back! We ordered several suits in different sizes for me, the Best Man & the two Dads to try on and I thought we’d returned everything… Oops…

Work wise, I’ve managed to finally sort the laser camera issues once and for all. We’ve got one of their chaps coming out to us tomorrow just to double check everything, but I think it’s all running fine now. The bus stops are all cutting fine anyway at the moment, which means I can now crack on and get the other products I’ve got lined up for it sorted and made available. And we’ve also been flat out on lots of assorted things and even managed to get 4 of them ready to release tonight… More details in a minute.

First up, tonight’s header pic comes from Dordon Wagon Works (Terry) on the Railway Modellers Club and it features the mighty Ex LMS British Rail Class D16/1. Click here to see the larger photo.

And now we’ve got loads of new updates from the Railway Modellers Club, all of which tonight are free to read, even if you’re a non-member. Lots of you have been really busy on the club website which is brilliant, so tonight I thought I’d make it all about you guys and share some of the projects you’ve all been working on.

It Started With An Itch – Part VII
Gary’s back this week on the Railway Modellers club with the penultimate part of his blog charting his journey into our wonderful hobby. You can read his latest instalment here.
Code 3 On A Budget
Next up on the Railway Modellers Club tonight, Tim has shared with us a few of his recent Code 3 projects. If you’re not sure what Code 3 means, it refers to the wonderful art of turning a factory finished diecast model into something different. This could be anything from removing and replacing decals, to a complete repaint, or a drastic change to the bodywork. Click here to check out the projects Tim has just complete.
Backscene Trees With Dr Julian
A few weeks back we shared a video from Gormo down under in Australia who shared his techniques for making Backscene Trees. Well Dr Julian in South Africa has taken Gormo’s idea and expanded on it even further. Find out how he got on in his 3 part series via the links below:

If you missed Gormo’s original video, you can watch that here.

Building our AX006-OO Trackside Accessories Pack
Next up this evening, Iain takes an in depth look at building some of the elements from our AX006-OO Modern Trackside Accesories pack, walking you through every step in detail. Click here to see how to build the relay cabinets & signalman’s portable toilet from the kit. 
Detailing Our 3D Printed Gas Pipes Kit
Also tonight, Iain has a quick tutorial on how to detail our AX054-OO Yellow Coiled Gas Pipes using simple weathering powders & a bit of electrical tape. Click here to see how it’s done.

(Quick tip – If you don’t have any suitable black / grey weathering powder, you can make your own very cheaply using charcoal sticks from an arts & craft store like The Range. Just use fine sand paper to grate the charcoal to a fine powder, then apply with a soft brush, and seal in place with a light coat of hairspray).

Loco Database Update: Lima Class 60081 Isambard Kingdom Brunel (CAT NO:L204909)
Next up, Iain’s also been busy this week updating the Loco Database on the club website, and today he’s added the majestic Lima Class 60081 Isambard Kingdom Brunel! Click here to read more about this loco.

Do you have this loco in your collection? We’d love to know what you think of it. Why not tell us in the comments on the club database page, or even upload your own photos.

New! LX154-OO Garden Sheds (Pack of 2) – OO/4mm/1:76
And now it’s time for our first release of the evening! A couple of nights ago, while Tina was out at a Girly cosmetics party and Elizabeth was at dance practise, I made the most of some quiet time and completed another design I’d started working on yonks ago… A simple but effective Garden Shed. It’s come together really nicely and I finished tweaking it this morning. The LX154-OO Garden Sheds come in a pack of 2 and are laser cut and engraved in 0.8mm plywood for an authentic finish. And of course, being real wood, they can be painted or stained with real wood preserver for the most realistic finish of all. They’re nice and easy to build and come with a choice of printed felt texture for the roofs.

They’re also nice and petite too so they’ll fit in just about any garden or back yard on your layout too, so you can always squeeze a couple in somewhere. Plus they come in packs of 2 so they’re great value!

For more information and to order yours please click here.

AX063-OO 3D Printed Real Wood Euro Pallets in OO / 4mm / 1:76
Our second release of the evening comes in the form of these 3D Printed, Real Wood, yes Real Wood small Euro Pallets. Believe it or not, it’s possible to print in real wood these days. We didn’t believe it when the chap at the printer shop said we could, so we just had to give it a go.

These are small, but they print nicely, and they’re based on a real-life small Euro Pallet design (800mm x 1000mm I think I based them on), so they’re true to scale, with a very fine, real wood grain. And they really look the part when stacked or just piled in the corner of a yard. They’re also great for standing random loads on, or for use on the back of diecast trucks etc.

They come in packs of 24 and are ready to use straight from the pack. For more information and to order your, please click here.

AX047-OO Precast Concrete Fence Posts (8ft) – OO / 4mm / 1:76
Our third release this evening is the AX047-OO Precast Concrete Fence Post Packs in OO / 1:76. They come in packs of 24 posts at a pocket-money price, and are ideal for detailing the corner of a yard or building site, or for use as lorry and pickup loads. They’re printed in grey eco-friendly PLA and can be used straight from the pack, or given a light coat of matt lacquer before positioning on your layout.

And because they’re an authentic H section, just like the real thing, you can even use them to make a fence on your layout with real slot in panels, just like the real thing! (We’ll have panels available shortly).

For more information and to order yours, please click here.

NEW – AX067-OO Red Oxide H Beams / Girders – OO/1:76
And talking of H sections, that brings us on to our final new product of the night, the AX067-OO Red Oxide H Beams. Now we’ve listed these as OO scale as that’s what we’ve primarily designed them for, but they can work for any scale from N up to O and beyond. They’re basically a 3.5mm square H section in red oxide, which we’ve had specially made for our range, including having our own tooling made. If these prove popular, we have ideas for plenty more along the same lines as these if there’s enough demand.

They come in a pack of 5 strips, each 280mm long for just £2.95, and are made from extruded high impact polystyrene, or HIPS, so they’re compatible with many other plastic mouldings used in scratch-building. So you get 1.4m of H section in each pack, and it’s ideal for making wagon and lorry loads etc. I made the load above as a demo in no more than about 5 minutes by cutting a single 280mm length into 5 and gluing it into a stack using Deluxe Materials Plastic Magic.

We’ve got a couple of kits in mind for these, but if you fancy a pack for a scratch-building project or to make up some low cost loads for your wagons and vehicles, you can find it on our website here.

Still To Come…

This weekend we’ll be back to normal with a selection of videos from our favourite YouTubers. Iain will hopefully have stimple step by step tutorial on track painting and weathering, and I’ll be cracking on with more projects tomorrow. I’d like to tell you exactly what but the chances are it’ll all go to pear shaped if I do and my day will be really random and disorganised… So I won’t commit to anything other than just getting stuck in to stuff!

Right… Time to sign off for the night I think and read my book for a bit before bed… Might have a flick through the latest issue of BRM magazine too maybe.

Keep on Shunting!

Justin, Tina & Elizabeth

P.S. We’ve got a big delivery due in tomorrow from our suppliers, so I’ll have details of that on Saturday. Plus, Iain has now finished moving all the downloadable kits over to the members area of the Railway Modellers Club so if you’ve got points to spend on there, feel free to hop on to the shop and see all the new additions. Just log in to the club and click the Spend Your Points link on the right.

And don’t forget you can exchange your points for a voucher to spend on Scale Model Scenery too! You can do that here.

If you’ve not got enough points, it’s really easy to earn more just by participating on the club site. You get points even for just logging in, so it’s worth making the most of them as you get free stuff!

Right… I’m going now… night folks!

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About The Author


Favourite Scale: OO / 1:76 Likes: Making small stuff on the laser cutter Dislikes: Counting rivets Other info: Starting to dabble with the world of 3D printing a bit to enhance the products we create on the laser. Layout: Whitwick Grove


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