Whistle-Stop Wednesday
Good Evening <<First Name>>,
How’s things? Oh my goodness that was a gruelling day! I started off at 5:30am really “in the zone” to get loads of stuff done, and I was doing brilliantly until I came to upgrade one of the software packages we use to drive the laser and it all went a bit pear-shaped. I couldn’t purchase the upgrade as their websites checkout was down, and I couldn’t run the software either until I’d upgraded! So I seem to have spent a long time on the phone and emailing back and forth trying to get it sorted instead of actually getting on with the things I should have. So I’m now enjoying a glass of wine (non-alcoholic as I don’t drink) while writing this, and it’s rather nice 🙂
I did manage to finish off a new item which I’ll show you shortly… I think you’re going to like it! And I’ve sorted out two new sizes of baseboard which should be ready by the weekend. We’ve got a double width Cakebox type one… for those that like bigger cakes 🙂 and a Double ended version of the BB001 baseboard too. So I’ll try and get those live on the site for the weekend.
We’ve also been working on our plans for the next 12 weeks, as well as sorting a bit more wedding stuff out too. Tina’s getting all excited now (and nervous) as it’s dress fitting this weekend.
So… as time is now getting on, and Tina’s having a soak in the bath, I’d better get a wriggle on with tonight’s update. Our header pic tonight comes from Roger and shows a lovely vignette of Lancefield Station. I hope you like it. |
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