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Model Railway Scenery News – 20th January 2018

Model Railway Scenery News…

Good Morning <<First Name>>,Morning all! Who’s ready for Spring then? This winter lark’s getting a bit long in the tooth now… I know it’s not particularly cold but I’m really looking forward to some warmer days now. We noticed there’s a few green shoots appearing on some of the ash trees over on the old railway line the other day, so I guess it’s on its way.

How’s your week been? Tina and I have been busy getting wedding stuff sorted here as well as cracking on with lots of projects at work. I’ve managed to find suits now for myself, the best man & the two dads. Thought it would take longer than it did but we got it all sorted in a week. We’re not going for penguin suits… We’ve gone for a nice modern style light grey suit, off the peg and I think we should look nice and smart. Just need the ladies to get organised now. I think we might be popping into Leicester this afternoon actually to have a look at the options for bridesmaids in Debenhams and John Lewis…

Work wise, we’ve been rather busy as always getting your orders out (on time mostly). We’ve been a bit behind with some of the lighting kits we launched last week unfortunately. Sorry folks. Both the new light bars and the wall mounted floodlights sold better than expected and within hours we were sold out of stock and on backorder status… So Adam’s been working his socks off to get the backorders fulfilled and we’re about there now. So apologies for the delay on those. We’re hoping to build stocks back up over the coming week.

We’ve also had a couple of successes too! I’m please to report after several hours continuous running on the rolling road (they’re brilliant things those as you can set a loco running and just leave it with minimal intervention needed), and the complete rebuild of the pickup bogie and adjustment of the pickups, the class 66 is now capable of making it from one end of the layout to the other. There’s still some tweaking needed though. And thank you for all your suggestions for things to try! I’ve had over 50 emails this week all with suggestions for adjustments and things to check on the loco! So I’m going to work though them and see how we get on; from checking the wheel back to backs, to point cleaning and loads of other things. So a massive thank you to each and every one of you!

The second and probably biggest success is that we finally got the darn camera system working on our big laser. The first few tests with it proved rather disappointing as, well, put it this way, I could have cut the signs out that I was working on better, with a blunt knife, with my eyes shut, with one hand behind my back while being tickled by Tina! (I’m very ticklish!). You could say the results were a bit pants, and I was close to sending it back to be honest.

But perseverance paid off. I found that the mounting bracket hadn’t been fitted properly, and the camera hadn’t been focused correctly either. And by following the advice of several experienced users on the laser owners facebook group (which basically said ignore the manufacturers instructions and do this instead), we managed to precut a full sheet of bus stop signs with acceptable accuracy! Well it cut them out almost as well as Tina does 🙂 So I think we’re in business now. A few more tests on Monday and we’re good to go with that I think. So I’ll have an update on a few things next week as far as that is concerned.

Right… I think it’s about time for some videos! First up this morning, Dave’s back with an update on his Dapol 15t Crane build. He started this ages ago, and its amazing to see just what you can do with a simple plastic kit.  I’m pleased to say he’s back at last with the final instalment of this very worthwhile project. Click here to see how he got on with the Mess Van to go with the crane.

How To Model Wooden Platforms
Next up this morning, Marklin Of Sweden demonstrate how to scratchbuild wooden platforms for steam era layouts set in the early 1900’s. Click here to watch the video.
It Started With An Itch – Part VI
Gary’s back again this week, with the next instalment of his “It Started With An Itch” series, as he continues to try and iron out some of the problems with his layout, and ponders some of the artistic creations in magazines and whether he’ll ever be able to achieve something similar. Click here to read the latest instalment.
New Junction January Update
Our next video this morning brings us quite close to SMS HQ (Richard’s about 30 mins from us I think), for an update on the progress at New Junction. Click here to watch the latest video and see how he’s getting on with the new station.
Oxford Rail 763TO002 Mk3a OO Gauge Coach Review
Next up, we’re taking a trip up north to Scotland where Dave at Dean Park has just taken delivery of his new Oxford Rail Mk3a coach. Will it be the end of the Hornby Mk3’s? Find out what he thinks in his latest review video here.

Fancy one of the Oxford Rail Mk3a Coaches for your fleet? We’ve got them available as a special order item here if you’d like one, and we’re price matching Hattons too. They don’t have the lovely Tina hand packing your orders either 😉

Building & installing The LX148-OO Equipment Box / Relay Equipment Platforms Kit
For our last how-to this morning, Iain takes an in depth look at building our LX148-OO Equipment Box / Relay Platforms kit. He’s been itching to get his hands on set of these to install on Kilbreck! So yesterday he got stuck in with building a set to add to his embankment and a few other places on the layout. Click here to find out how he got on and follow his build step by step!
New Farmyard Kit Bundle Available Now!
Iain’s well and truly settled into his new role with us here at SMS, and it’s brilliant to have him on board. As well as adding loads of new articles and posts to the loco & rolling stock database on the club website this week, he’s also been coming up with ideas for kit packs, to make finding all the kits you need to detail a particular area on your layout much easier. So our featured kit pack this morning is the SMS-BP4 Farmyard Pack.

This pack comes with everything you need to add that extra detail to your farmyard scenes, from galvanised metal gates, to bales, stables and barns. And by choosing the bundle, you can save yourself 10% on the regular price too. Click here to browse all our new kit bundles

AX061-OO 3D Printed Level Crossing Anti Trespass Kit – OO/4mm/1:76
Trespassing on the railways is a big problem and there are various tactics employed on the railways to keep folks from wandering onto railway property. One of the most common sites are the triangular timber lengths used on level crossings, which are put there to make walking onto the railway a formidable challenge for those that like to wander where they shouldn’t!

Well while Iain was down here on Tuesday, we put our heads together and set about designing a miniature version for your layouts. It’s something that’s seldom seen on any model railway, but in real life they’re installed on the majority of level crossings and even on platform ends too! After a couple of hours of development, tweaks and adjustments, the new AX061-OO Level Crossing Anti Trespass kit was born, and it’s available now to fit Hornby, Peco and all other OO / HO level crossings (single & double track).

They’re printed in black eco friendly PLA, and can be painted and weathered as Iain has done in the photo above to look like the wooden prototypes, or you can leave them black if you prefer. They’re ready to use pretty much straight from the pack otherwise! So if you’ve got a level crossing on your layout, these will add that extra level of detail this weekend.

For more information and to order yours, please click here.

AX054-OO Coiled Yellow Gas Pipes (Pack of 3) – OO / 4mm / 1:76
As previewed in the Railway Modellers Group on Facebook a few weeks ago, the new AX054-OO Coiled Yellow Gas Pipes are now available to order in packs of 3. These are ideal for detailing buildings sites, builders merchants, lorry & wagon loads, or for detailing any industrial scene. They’re supplied printed in yellow eco friendly PLA, and are ready to use straight from the pack, or you can add strapping to the coils using simple black sewing thread like we’ve done in the photo above. A little dark grey or black weathering powder can then be used to highlight the coils if desired. We used artists charcoal, grated with on a piece of sandpaper for the photo above.

For more information and to order yours, please click here.

Still To Come

Next week, I’ve got some more accounts to finish (the second VAT return needs completing). Then we’ve got the some changes to make to a couple of sign kits now the camera is working. Then there’s some baseboard tweaks to be done (we’re doing a version of the BB001 with two ends) and another variant of the BB006 Cakebox Diorama one.

Then I’ve got a million and one projects on the go including finishing the catenary, still working on bus shelters and many many more things! Adam has some exciting new 3d printed bits in the pipeline & I’ve got something I’m going to try and do a little work on in a minute, before Tina wakes up.

Right… time to the oven on for breakfast…, actually it’s crumpets today, so better put the grill on instead! Have a splendid weekend folks.

Keep on Shunting!

Justin, Tina & Elizabeth – Download and Print Model Buildings & Accessories – Laser Cut Kits & Accessories Delivered By Post!

P.S. I mentioned these briefly earlier when I was waffling on about the Class 66, but Rolling Roads really are worth the investment. They make testing and repairing locos a breeze! We stock the DCC Concepts active on at the moment which you can find in the locomotive maintenance section of the site here.

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About The Author


Favourite Scale: OO / 1:76 Likes: Making small stuff on the laser cutter Dislikes: Counting rivets Other info: Starting to dabble with the world of 3D printing a bit to enhance the products we create on the laser. Layout: Whitwick Grove


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