Model Town TV Series Episodes 1 to 5
The current Channel 5, TV Model Railway Challenge Program has certainly got lots of folk talking on the model groups. Well here’s one model railway tv program that appeared a good few years back. So join Simon Farmer with his ‘Model Town’ series as he helps build quite a large layout. Here in this video are the first 5 episodes.
Nearly two hours worth of viewing, so plenty to keep you going to this weekends newsletter!
Really Interesting set of videos. Are there more?
BTW on the model railway challenge I feel they could make more use of Kathy to show some how-to modelling bits instead of some of the filler/padding they have ð
There is a 2nd series of the Ch5 model railway challenge to come, they are asking for folk to enter new teams. It may be worth putting your suggestion to the tv company. Yes there is more model town videos to follow over the next few newsletters ð