Modelling Heavy Industry – Arthur Ormrod
Railway layouts often depict a branch line in a rural or urban setting, with the majority of locomotive models available representing passenger trains. However, increasingly, ready-to-run models of industrial locomotives are becoming available, providing the unique opportunity to place them into an industrial context.
This highly illustrated book provides all the guidance and inspiration needed to begin placing these models in their natural, industrial environment. The book starts with an overall look at the prototype, and then looks at the tools and materials you can use to get great results.
There are individual chapters on particular industrial features:
- Gas holder or gasometer
- Tank farm
- Overhead travelling crane
- Small buildings
- Roll shop
- Cooling towers
- Water towers
- Coal blending plant
- Open hearth melting shop
Theres a chapter on locomotives and rolling stock, and to conclude an entire chapter on fitting industrial layouts into small spaces.
Arthur Ormrod has had a lifelong interest in railways and railway modelling. He was brought up in west Manchester surrounded by both railway and industrial activity and found the many local industrial railway systems a source of endless fascination. In the early 1970s he worked at two large British Steel Corporation plants, which left him with an abiding interest in the iron and steel industry, both its history and its operations. Not surprisingly he now incorporates the modelling of large industrial structures and industrial systems into his general railway modelling activities.
