Modelling Tip Of The Day – 13

Modelling Tip Of The Day – 13
This Modelling Tip Of The Day is an ongoing series, in which we’ll be posting a modelling tip that may be of use to the newbie right up to the seasoned modeller.
Today’s tip is:
Add depth to your layout scenics by using a backscene. Backscenes are available in all sorts of sizes & scales, covering everything from cities to villages, industrial to countrysides. Backscenes that are now very popular amongst modellers is the photographic type. These usually come supplied as rolled up sections in a tube. Unroll the back scene out a smooth flat surface, & place some heavy books to flatten out the backscene for a couple of days before use.
Mount the backscenes on to a board taking care to join up the backscene sheets up. Use a suitable glue such as 3M Spraymount, Deluxe Materials View glue etc. It may well be worth sealing the backscene board prior to fitting the backscene sheets.
Another way of adding a backscene is to paint your own, or if you’re not confident with painting a backscene it’s worth contacting a local artist to paint one for you.
Backscenes are also useful for hiding non-scenic sections such as fiddle yards, as well as acting as scenic dividers between different areas on the layout.