Modelling Tip Of The Day – 38

Modelling Tip Of The Day – 38
This Modelling Tip Of The Day is an ongoing series, in which we’ll be posting a modelling tip that may be of use to the newbie right up to the seasoned modeller.
Today’s tip is:
Take Photos
Record the progress of your layout/model build as you go. Taking close up photos can often show up any areas of your modelling that may not look quite right, or highlight areas that need attention. It’s also a good way to record how your layout has progressed from start to finish.
Most people these days have a camera built-in on their smartphones, which is ideal for capturing things you see which would make great models on your daily travels. Look for the little details in the street that you may not usually take any notice of. Things such as street furniture which could be drainage grates, manhole covers, GPO equipment boxes, concrete utility markers, telephone poles, broadband boxes etc. Look for textures & weathering on brickwork, walls, pavements, road surfaces, windows, roofing etc
Reference photos of what we see in the street every day can help improve & progress our modelling to recreating a realistic scene. What you photograph today, may be gone or change in the future. So will help provide a useful reference in the future, a look at photos of your town/city/village taken over the last few decades can show how much has changed over the years.
In the photo below look for the little details, such as the style of the phone box, benches, street signage, the yellow no parking signs, green GPO boxes just to name a few.