Modelling Tip Of The Day – 39

Modelling Tip Of The Day – 39
This Modelling Tip Of The Day is an ongoing series, in which we’ll be posting a modelling tip that may be of use to the newbie right up to the seasoned modeller.
Today’s tip is:
Copper Clad Sleepers – Baseboard Joints
On layouts that feature removable baseboard sections i.e. lifting baseboard sections, transportable baseboard sections etc use copper clad sleepers. Copper clad sleepers range in various sizes & lengths & it is recommended to use these on trackwork crossing over the end of removable baseboard sections. This will or should hold the trackwork firmly in place & prevent any movement & damage to the track work.
To install the copper clad sleepers:
- Lay trackwork over the baseboard joint
- Remove a couple of sleepers from either side of the baseboard joint
- Cut copper clad sleepers to length
- Lay copper clad sleepers under the rails along either side of the baseboard joint
- Glue or drill & screw copper clad sleeper to the baseboard (If gluing allow time for glue to dry)
- Cut a slot through the top copper clad section of the sleeper (This will prevent an electrical short)
- Now solder the rails to the sleepers
- Test run rolling stock to check for any issues
- Cut the rails across the top of the baseboard joint
- Make sure rail ends are clear of any flash & burrs
- Test run trains over the baseboard joint
This tried & tested method works very well & works very well indeed. For copper clad sleepers search online for Wizzard Models who supply copper clad sleepers.