Modelling Tip Of The Day – 40
Modelling Tip Of The Day – 40
This Modelling Tip Of The Day is an ongoing series, in which we’ll be posting a modelling tip that may be of use to the newbie right up to the seasoned modeller.
Today’s tip is:
The bulk of model railway layouts that are modelled are usually set in spring/summer time. Add a bit of variety to your modelling & model a winter scene. This could be the whole layout or just one section of a layout with scenic breaks at either end to divide the winter section from the summer section. With lots winter snow products available from, Noch, Woodland Scenics, Deluxe Materials to name a few, modelling snow couldn’t be easier. Add a snowy backscene to complete the scene these are available from, ID Art Printers as well as various others.
Before adding the scenic snow think about what kind of look you want, is it a light dusting of snow or a heavy blanket of snow? If going for a light dusting of snow, think about the vegetation first. Add winter blend/coloured static grasses, bare trees (apart from the year-round fir tree types) & bushes etc to your layout first. Once you start to add the scenic snowflakes this will allow the longer grasses to poke through the snow as per the real thing.
If you go for a heavy blanket of snow, then you won’t need to add much in the way of winter grade static grasses beforehand or if any at all. Features such as rock faces, roads, rivers etc will need modelling first. Using bare white plaster for the landform base to start off with building up your layers of snow to form snow drifts & deep snow banks. Think which direction the snow has fallen from, as this affects how the snow will settle on a building. Remember snow usually settles on flat surfaces, ledges roofs, & on walls that it has been blown on to.
Of course, you can use other materials for making snow. Modellers over the years have used Polyfilla, scouring powder, talcum powder, plaster, baking soda, flour & salt. Some are ideal for short temporary periods e.g. photographic purposes. Though salt, flour shouldn’t be used for a permanent snow scene.
If using overhead lighting use cooler white & blue type lighting colours to help create the effect. There is a wide range of colour changing LED lighting strips, these allow you to set the colour to suit your needs. They are widely available from the likes of B&Q, Screwfix, Ebay etc
To give you some more idea’s for modelling snow & winter scenes, check out the following videos & guides below. Well worth a watch!!
Winter snow modelling how-to videos
Woodland scenics tutorial on modelling a complete winter scene
Deluxe Materials guide to using snow products:
Some PDF download guides that you may find helpful for modelling snow scenes:
In the gallery below are a few examples of a snowy winter scene, snow products & winter backscene to give you some ideas.
Happy modelling