Modelling Tip Of The Day – 55

Modelling Tip Of The Day – 55
This Modelling Tip Of The Day is an ongoing series, in which we’ll be posting a modelling tip that may be of use to the newbie right up to the seasoned modeller. Today’s tip is:
Group Accessory Addresses
If you’re using DCC, it makes sense to group the DCC accessory addresses for your DCC operated points & signals. Keeping areas of your layout within groupings makes things easier to operate. So for example, if you have a fiddle yard like on my own layout, I’ve grouped all the points from 1 to 15. On my loco depot area, the points are grouped as 40 to 45, The main station area points & signals I’ve grouped as 20 to 39.
It’s worth keeping a chart or diagram with the operating list of point/signals handy, near your DCC command station for reference.
Below are some images of typical DCC accessory decoders. Usually, they will operate four or more items (such as point motors & signals) per decoder. Some point motors & signals now have built-in accessory decoders which save on having to buy separate accessory decoders.