Realistic station curves
After 40 years away from model railways decided to start again, it required clearing and flooring the attic.
Wanted to accurately model the local station, Tay Bridge now simply called Dundee, checked out maps.nls.uk who have OS maps of the U.K. selected the scalable map which showed Tay Bridge.
Printed out a series of A4 sheets including the scale and joined them together.
Taking each end created grid lines (scale to 50′ apart) datums either side of the main platforms, so could recreate the curves as close as possible. The dimensions in red are in feet, the left hand view is simple co-ordinates.
The right hand image shows the cord and arc of the platform, the radii for both arcs was calculated using an on line arc calculator (handymath.com) enter the width and height.
Once all dimensions found then redrew to scale onto a roll of lining paper, then positioned on the baseboard.
Next decision was how to make the platforms decided against the alternatives on various websites which involved laying track and fitting something in between by shaping wood/mdf/plasterboard etc. all of which would create a lot of dust. So using the plan drawn out on the lining paper chose to fix blocks of wood some 30mm wide and various lengths to create the double curve in the left of the photo and wider pieces on the straights. Ends of platforms were made from pieces of wood shaped to include steps rather than ramps on the left hand side (will rework them not happy with look) the right hand end had a wooden ramp, which was shown in original photographs.
The walls under the platform is straight grained wood (18 X 6mm moulding) available from local diy store in 2.4m lengths, to create curves first steam heated a section, simply used a pan of boiling water with the lid on, slowly bent the wood to match the curve on the plan to ensure it would retain its shape clamped it to the blocks of wood already screwed to baseboard.