Road Transport Diorama 1980 to Present
The second diorama I have worked on over the past year with a showroom built out of our old garage. One side is floor to ceiling showcases the other a mini family museum then dioramas covering the war to 70’s era and the second which I’m working on now 1980’s through to present time. The centerpiece of this is a model of Derby bus station which is reasonably accurate although used at present to display Stagecoach buses. I try to avoid any specifics where I can so I can use the display for different subjects as and when. The bus station structure was built from scratch using the SMS wrap method and by imaging from photos and on good old Windows XP Powerpoint which is what I use for our PMP DVD covers, I do have Windows7 for everyday use which is terrible compared with XP. Structures from SMS, Kingsway, Metcalfe. Most signage and advertising is from real life when possible. My biggest headache on any of the scenes is the lack of OO gauge people at sensible prices. Suggestions welcomed. Coming back to modelling after around 30 years means getting to grips with acrylic paint and how real images can be incorporated.