Running In Locomotives – Iain’s Handy Guide

Running In Locomotive Models
What is running in & why is it recommended?
To get the best out of a new model or one that’s been serviced it’s recommended to run the model in. In theory running in a new model or one that’s been serviced should help to give it a longer service life. Running in is good in that it will show up any issues, or identify things that may need adjusting or a case of very slight issues. It helps bed in gears, bearings, motors etc. Running in will or should give a much smoother running model that will give many years of good service.
How to do it
You can perform running in on your layout, test track or a rolling road. If you have a layout with a continuous loop of track, you can carry out the running in on the layout itself. For end to end layouts though you’re going to either need a separate test track with a continuous loop, or a rolling road which we’ll look at shortly.
Having taken your model out the box, first check to see if there is no loose or broken parts. Also that the power pick ups are making contact with the wheels / axles. The power pick ups are usually brass/copper strips that either make contact on the back of the wheels, or in some cases on the axles or on the wheel treads.
Having then placed the locomotive model on the track it’s time to start running in. It’s recommend to run in a model for at least an hour with the loco not hauling anything. Run the model at a slow to medium speed on the controller during the running in period with 30 minutes in each direction. I usually run for a couple of minutes in one direction, then change & run in the other direction for a couple of minutes. This i do throughout the one hour running in period. This i will add is performed on a continuous oval of track, in which i take the loco off, turn it round, & replace back on the track at around 30 minutes into the running in session.
Whilst running in the model check for any issues, like jerky or rough running, unusual noises, nothing fouling the wheels, derailments etc. Any unusual noises could indicate things like dry bearings, slipping drive cogs / drive shafts etc. Derailments could be an issue caused by the wheel back to back measurements being out. This can be quickly resolved in most cases with the use of a Back To Back Wheel Gauge. The other beauty of the rolling road is that running a model with the body removed, you can inspect all moving parts at close quarters without chasing it around the layout.
If you haven’t got a continuous run of track you can either use a simple straight section of track or a rolling road. For the straight section of track you could use the Gaugemaster SS-1 Super Shuttle Unit. This allows shuttling of the loco up & down a straight section of track, ideal for automatic running in of a loco. Another item is the rolling road which we’ll take a look at now.
Rolling Road
There are various rolling roads on the market with some now out of production but can still be obtained second hand. We’ll take a look at some now, first up is one from Hornby.
Hornby’s R8211 rolling road now out of production but can be still found second hand. Primarily designed for use with Hornby’s Live Steam System, works well with steam locos that are both tender / loco driven. Also works well with single bogie powered diesel / electric / DMU /EMU models. Hornby also offered additional set of rollers R8212.
Another one that was produced by Gaugemaster was the LT-OO Rolling Road Controller. This is a combined rolling road & layout controller. The rollers can be adjusted to suit the loco for testing, with the rolling road sitting on top of the controller. A switch selects power to either the rolling road or the track. It also has a volt meter included too!
DCC Concepts offer rolling roads in Active (Live powered rollers), Passive (Non- powered rollers), both as a set of six rollers. These will fit the following gauges:
- N Gauge
- 009 and HOe
- TT Gauge
- HOm and HOn3-1/2
- OO Gauge
- HO Gauge
- On30
- EM Gauge
- P4 Gauge
Changing the rollers is done by using a screwdriver to undo the spacer, remove spacer & replace with spacer to suit your chosen gauge. DCC Concepts also do a 12 way rolling road set as well. In the photo’s below is one of their six rolling road sets & twelve rolling road sets.