Scale Model Scenery Kit Build Guides – LX083-OO Automatic Ticket Barriers (Pack Of 7) OO Scale
Scale Model Scenery Kit Build Guides
LX083-OO Automatic Ticket Barriers (Pack Of 7) OO Scale
In this Scale Model Scenery kit build guide, we take a look at another popular kit from our range, the turn of the LX083-OO Kit. This kit builds up to 6 x regular ticket barriers and 1 x wider disabled / parent & child barrier, giving seven barriers in total. Suitable for use on locations such as train stations, underground/Transit stations, sports venues etc. The kit makes for an ideal evenings modelling session.
We’ll now take a look a the assembly of this kit.
Tools Needed
Tools needed are as follows:
- Cutting Matt
- Craft knife with a new cutting blade
- Roket card glue
- Tweezers
- Sanding stick (Cosmetic nail sanding stick will do)
- Glue stick such as Pritt Stick or similar
- Black, grey or silver acrylic paint for the barrier arms
The Kit Contents
The kit comes supplied in a clear plastic wallet, complete with instructions, texture wrap layers, plus two laser cut parts sheets. The photos right & below show the kit contents.
The Kit Build
Cut & remove part A from the texture parts sheet as highlighted & shown in the two photos opposite right.
Remove one of the ticket barrier cores from the laser cut parts sheet, as highlighted in the photo right.
Light sand flush any pips on the side of the core piece, as shown in the photo right.
Using the glue stick, apply a thin even layer of glue to the rear non printed side of the ticket barrier wrap, as shown in the photo right.
TIP: To save getting glue on to the cutting mat, place the clear packaging the kit comes in on the cutting mat. Then place the texture wrap piece onto the clear packaging & apply the glue to the wrap piece.
Take the core piece & place centrally onto the glued wrap as shown in the photo opposite right.
Using the rear blunt edge of the craft knife, lightly score along each of the edges of each flap, as shown in the photo opposite right.
Fold & stick down the two end flaps as shown in the photo right.
Fold & stick down the two long thin black strips as shown in the photo right.
Fold & stick down the remaining two grey flaps, as shown in the photo right.
Cut & remove one of the Part C’s (highlighted in the photo right) from the texture parts sheet.
Apply glue to the rear of part C & stick onto one side of the top pointed section on the core piece, as shown in the photo right.
Proceed to fold & stick down the wrap strip over the rest of the top piece of the core, as shown in the photo right.
Moving back again to the texture sheet, cut & remove Part B from the texture wrap sheet.
Apply glue to the rear non printed side of Part B & stick into place on the remaining uncovered side of the core, as shown in the photo right. Make sure all edges are true, flush & square to the edges.
Now repeat the assembly process of the other remaining cores. Once the other remaining cores have been wrapped with the texture wrap pieces, cut the black side slots on both sides on five of the ticket barrier pieces. The remaining two ticket barrier pieces, cut the one black side slot whilst leaving the remaining black slot on the other side intact.
Next, we move on to the barriers themselves. You’ll notice that one pair of barriers is different from the rest, the differential pair is for Wheelchair users & pram/pushchair users.
Before removing the barriers from the parts sheet, paint them in a Black, Grey, or Silver finish using acrylic paint. Leave the end tabs clear of any paint as shown in the photo right.
Cut one pair of barriers from the parts sheet as shown in the two photos right.
Apply a small amount of Roket Card glue on to the non painted bit of the barrier, then insert into the slot hole, as shown in the photo right. Make sure the barrier sits square to the barrier body.
Repeat the process with the other ticket barriers.
For the wider barriers on the Wheelchair, Pram/Pushchair barriers, cut out & the wheelchair sign & glue into place on to one of the wider barriers. As shown in the photo right.
That completes the build assemble of this kit. All that is left is for you to glue & fix into position on your layouts.
Happy modelling.