Scale Model Scenery – Warley 2018

Scale Model Scenery’s First Big Show
This year the Scalemodelscenery.co.uk team attended the big National Model Railway Show, which is run by the Warley Model Railway Club every November. To most the show is simply known as ‘Warley’. So having been a visitor to the show for many years, it was interesting to attend as one the participating stands at the show.
Pre-show preparations & build up
Earlier this year having had conformation to attend, plans were then put into place to prepare for the Warley show at the back end of November. First up, knowing what space the stand we’d been allocated things such as display shelving, racking, plinths, & stand lighting all had to be sourced & ordered. The next job was then to start on building up the extra stock over the normal day to day stock produced in house that we’d need for the show.
Next job was then to design & produce in house signage for the stand, to make it easier for the show goers to spot or find our stand. The racking, shelving, etc once all arrive SMS HQ was set up & checked to make sure no missing parts. Justin tried out various stand layouts to see what would work best for the show, and make it easier for folk to browse & see the products.
As the show was drawing closer the team went went into overdrive, & the 3D printers, Laser Cutters, Printers working around the clock to make sure we’d got plenty of every thing for the show. Whilst this was all going on, various idea’s for a new kit or two for release at the show discussed & settled on. Justin worked on the design for the Warley show release kit, test building & fine tuning the kit, happy with final design it was then ready for the show release. Adam worked his lighting magic to produce a working lit version of this Warley show release kit.
With the last couple months to go before show, building kits up & making diorama’s for display on the stand was also ramped up. The team put in many extra hours to get every thing finally ready for the Friday pre-show build up/set up day.
Friday Pre-Show Build Up Day
Friday pre-show day the team was up early, Justin & Adam having loaded up the hire van with all the stand equipment & stock set off for the show. Myself, having carefully packed, boxed & loaded the diorama’s into the car, set off to meet Justin & Adam en route. The forth member of the team Kevin, travelled down to the NEC by train and met up with the SMS team in the hall on saturday. Meeting up with Justin & Adam, the diorama’s were trans shipped into the hire van. Leaving the car safely parked up, we then headed off to the delivery vehicle marshalling point. Having cleared the marshalling point, we eventually found the queue of vehicles waiting to enter the hall. (See the two photos above)
It wasn’t to long before we where at the hall entrance & being issued badges, passes & paper work. Inside the hall it looked like chaos but the Warley team had got well organised & running like a slick operation. Signed in, we then drove the van into the hall following one of the marshalls to our stand location. It was a strange experience riding in a van amongst the model railway layouts…there’s an idea drive through model railway shows!! Though for the drivers, a bit nerve racking with driving so close to layouts being set up.
We were given an hour to unload & remove the van from the hall, so the team had to work quickly to empty the van. Having unloaded the van, Justin then took the van to car park. Myself & Adam started unpacking the boxes. With Justin soon back at the stand, the three of us soon had the racking, stands, & shelving assembled & set up.
Next unboxing the stock, & stocking up the racking & shelving got underway. In this video by Richard & David who was filming on the Warley club’s behalf, caught the team in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G-EXkQd1E8
Next job whilst the stocking of the racking was taking place, was to set up the display dioramas. Thankfully all bar two items made the trip to Warley in one piece, a quick repair with the Roket Card glue soon had the two damaged items good as new.
About to assemble the racking.

Racking all up, time to get busy filling the racking with stock.

Rack filling slowing progressing.

Rack filling just about done & the dioramas all set up.

Two of the team running a repair on one of the diorama’s.

Next job was to get the RCD unit inspected, so a walk to the centre of the hall to testing station was in order. After testing & given the okay, back to our stand to get the lighting all up & running. Justin & Adam cracked on with installing the lighting, whilst I started wiring up the lit diorama’s to the transformer. Youtubers New Junction & Cottesmore call by to see how the team was getting on setting up, as they was filming the official Warley club show video they shot a few clips of the team setting up. A little while later, Phil & Howard from BRM magzine called by our stand, before we knew it was being interviewed on camera, which was a little nerve racking as not one for being in front of the camera.
With all the lighting set up & getting late it was time to knock off & head to the hotel for a meal & shut eye. In the photo below Adam sets up the stand lights.
Show Time!!
Saturday morning a early start saw the team back in the hall around 7am. Adam & Justin continued pricing up the stock & getting the final touches in place, whilst I finished off wiring up the lit dioramas. Even before the doors opened to the public a number of folk from the layouts, called by the stand & made purchases. Kevin the fourth member of the team arrived & shortly afterwards the doors opened.
With in a few minutes, Neal & Amy Luton two of regular customers arrived at our stand, many thanks for the cuppa’s Neal & Amy very much welcomed 🙂 Our stand soon became very very busy & was non stop all day, was great to see & meet our regular customers, club members, & newletter readers. A good number of railway YouTubers called in at our stand, with the likes of Dean Park, Everard Junction, Penwithers, Tinsley TMD, Cheekytek, Walstead Green, MRYGC & Network Youtube members plus many more. Who well known folk we met whilst at the show was Simon Kohler of Hornby, Jason Shron of Rapido Trains, as well as the editors of from various modelling magazines such as Hornby Magazine, BRM, Guide to Railway Modelling amongst others. Pete Waterman who’s stand was behind ours was spotted walking by a few times too.
Kathy Millet & folk from the Channel five TV show Model Railway Challenge visited the stand during the course of the day. So was interesting to talk & find out more about the show & what went on behind the scenes. Sunday of the show also turned out to be a very busy day too. But before we knew it, it was all over & time to start breaking down the stand. Like the Friday, the hall was soon a scene of busy activity with vans appearing back in the hall. Two hours later the stand was empty, van loaded & four tired but happy SMS team members ready to go home.
So a big thank you to all who came to our stand, to friends old & new & hope to see you all at Warley Show 2019.
Very interesting post and video. It was great to meet you on the Saturday (NB I meant to drop by again but suddenly the day had gone!) Hope you feel it was all worth the effort. By the amount of people on your stand I’m guessing it was. 🙂
Nice to see my photo of you make the official list I thought it was a great one of you.
Hi Pete, great to meet you, very much well worth the effort put in by the team. We’ll be attending next year 🙂 Also looking at attending another big show which also in the planning. Very busy both days but great to meet many friends & customers alike. Kind regards Iain