Tinsley tmd and yard model june 2019 update
Over To Dave at Tinsley TMD layout. In this video covers the updates & work in progress on the layout, subjects covered in this video is track work alteration, loco feet update, modelling details, hump yard, cranes & lots more. Also shown in this video is a sneak preview of the forthcoming working lit version of our LX200-OO Yard lighting tower which is undergoing development.
Here’s the video…
Loving the attention to detail. Great modelling.
I’ve had first-hand experience of this layout having visited it a few times. Very impressed with what Dave does with his modelling of Tinsley TMD, with him having worked at the real Tinsley TMD his knowledge of the locos & what locos came through the doors there & the repairs he did on them is second to non. There will be an open day next year.